EA700.10 Gross Domestic Product GDP

Gross domestic product GDP, basic macro economic accounting term measuring performance, including C Consumption + I Income + G Government Spending + Net exports (exports – imports).

EA300.10 Supply, Demand, & Equilibrium

Economic core concepts of supply, demand & equilibrium including movement along supply and demand curve, shit in supply and demand curve, and discussion of market based economy & centrally planned economy.

EA200.10 Production Possibility Frontier & Comparative Advantage

Economic topic of production possibility frontier & comparative advantage are core principles in economics, demonstrating the use of models and concepts of scarcity, opportunity cost, and trade-offs in decision making.

2000.10 Process Cost System

Process cost system defined for manufacturing company including calculation of cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold, journal entries related to the process cost system, recording of journal entries to general ledger, and effect on trial balance accounts

1900.20 Job Cost System

Job cost system defined for manufacturing company including calculation of job cost report, journal entries related to the job cost system, recording of journal entries to general ledger, and effect on trial balance accounts