QuickBooks Pro Plus desktop 2022 transaction list by date report, get ready because we bookkeeping pros are moving up the hill top with QuickBooks Pro Plus desktop 2022. Here we are in our free QuickBooks sample file sample Rockcastle construction going through the setup process with the view drop down the open windows list left hand side company drop down home page in the middle, maximize in that home page to the gray area reports drop down go into the company and financial looking at that balance sheet standard.
And we’re going to increase the font size as well as change the date range and the customize reports changing the range to an ending point of 1231 to three fonts and numbers. We want to bring that font up to 14 as has been our custom. Okay, yes, please. Okay, doing the same thing for the P and L reports drop down company and financial profit and loss income statement, date range 1231 to three at the endpoint customize in that report up top fonts and the numbers, change that font group to 14. Okay. Yes, please. And okay.
So now I’m going to go back to the balance sheet on the left hand side, we’re going to be running another report, which is a transaction list by date report, which will look similar in some ways to the transaction list by account, which is, in essence, the general ledger. In other words, if I wanted to see the detail of this checking account, I can double click on it, that will give us what they call the transaction by account, which is in essence, a general ledger account for that particular account of the checking account, breaking out the activity in that account. By date.
What I’d like to see now is a transaction list by date for all accounts that will be impacted, there’s multiple different uses you can use for this report. One use would be that you can use the report to check the work that you have been implementing, we’ll get back to that in a second. Another use would be that if you’re supervising someone else’s work, you can verify the work that they have done by running a report by date list of transactions by date and see kind of an idea of how much work how much data input they have put in for a certain time range.
Also, you might use this report to help you out with your billing process. If you are a bookkeeper, you’re looking for an alternative way for billing, for example, the normal billing process might be hourly, but hourly can be somewhat tedious because you have to track your hours, you might have different billing rates for different staff members in the office that you have to apply out for the billing, they got to worry about whether or not you were on your game, during the time that you were doing the hours are logging in the hours, so you’re not like overcharging or miss charging customers. So another way that you could do that is to say, hey, look, I’m going to charge you by list of transactions or number of transactions that are going to be entered.
If you fall within this range, then I’ll charge you this amount. If we go up above that range, then I will charge you another amount. And that can make it a little bit easier for you to kind of advertise your prices, cut down the billing costs to process the billing and the time and so on, and then make it a lot easier on you to process the billing information. And you can also then set up your item lists so that she could populate your invoices and your sales receipts a lot more easily as well.
So let’s take a look at the report the other the other thing you can use it and we’ll use it in this presentation or in this worksheet, or in this course will be that you can check your own numbers when you’re in a grading situation. So if you’re working following along with the practice problem that we will do in the second half of the course, you could check your numbers, such as the balance sheet and income statement. If there’s something off with those numbers, you can then go to this report the transaction list by date, which gives us the detail that we have been entering by date.
And if you had the same beginning balance at the starting point, and all of the transaction detail is the same, the ending balance, which would be the ending financial statements, balance sheet and income statement should be the same. So it’s a great check when you’re working practice problems as well. Okay, you can get there a couple of different ways we can go to the reports drop down accounting and taxes. And we’re looking for the transaction list by date this item on down below, not the transaction detail by account, because that’s going to break it out by account and then date we want the one by date here.
So the other way we can get into that is to go to the report centers. Let’s go to the Report Center and practice that way for the first time we’re going there, maximize the Report Center, we want to go to the accounting and taxes. And so in here we got the trial balance the general ledger, the transaction detail, by account that’s not the one we’re looking for the journal is another one.
This is your other alternative which you might take a look at in a future presentation that you can use kind of for your billing processes because it’ll give you a little bit more detail in terms of all the accounts that are affected, as well as the transactions that are that are listed. So you could do your billing by basically the number of accounts that are impacted. And if you have more more complicated transactions like journal entries, then that can have a different impact. So we’re going to go down here though to the transaction list by date, there it is. Let’s run it, let’s run that report, I’m going to change the date range up top from 12, one to 1230 123.
And or close the item on the left hand side. So this on the left hand side, we’re going to have the type of transaction this looks a lot like the kind of general ledger type of report that we looked at when we double clicked on the cash account. But this is not limited to one account like cash, but we still have the transactions on the left hand side, we’ve got the date that has been input. So that’s an order by date, we’ve got the number which is going to be something like the account number, or if it was an invoice, the invoice number or the check number, not the account number, typically the check number, the invoice number, the bill number, and so on the name, which would include vendors,
customers, employees, and other depending on the type of transaction that is being put in place. The memo, if we added any memo, we’ve got the accounts, this are going to be the accounts that are going to be impacted. Note how it’s going to be it’s going to show here, which is a nice shorthand way to see it. Because remember, remember that every transaction impact at least two accounts on the financial statements on the balance sheet and income statement. It’s given kind of the primary account here in the account lineup.
So if I was to go to the balance sheet, for example, double click on the checking account. To do that see the detail there, I should find this transaction on 12. One in it, it also gives the split over here, which is the other account that is going to be impacted if there are only two accounts. So when you’re looking at simple transactions simple in that they only have two accounts that are involved in them such as they check, then you can show those two accounts on one line with a split. However, if there’s more than two accounts that are impacted, such as like an invoice that if the invoice has, say inventory involved, then you can’t just get it with it has to say split over here, because there’s more than two accounts affected.
And that’s when that journal, The Journal report can give you a little bit more detailed, although it’s a lot longer to look at in that case. So that’s going to be that we got the class we’ll talk more about classes in a future presentation. So that’s going to be a special kind of area they’re using here for job cost system cleared. If it’s like a clear transaction for like the checking account, like if it cleared, in essence, the bank account, and then the split account, and then the amount.
Now in our practice problem, we can use this type of transaction because we could say something like if we had the beginning balance on the balance sheet and income statement that tied out as of the end of the prior period, which would be 1130. And everything tied out. And then there was a discrepancy, say at the end of 1231. At the end of this timeframe, then you would expect if you were to compare your numbers, say to my numbers, then if everything tied out exactly on this transaction detail report, it has to basically be back in balance.
So you can kind of take and tie everything out, comparing this transaction detail reports to what you have in another system and look for what you know the differences are the changes are, in order to reconcile the two, the two systems, you can also use this, like we say for the billing process. So you might say something like I will charge so much for so many transactions, say per month. And then on a monthly basis, all you would have to do is run this report and basically count the transactions, which can be somewhat tedious but not difficult to do, because you remember have the Excel function here.
So for example, if I was to create a new worksheet just to practice this out, and export it to Excel, Excel will give me a nice count of how many how many items were created, I’m going to export it to a new worksheet. And there we have it. And then if you go down to the bottom of the worksheet, you could just say, I’m just going to do like a count function down here and say I want to say equals count, it’ll just count the transactions up top. And we’ll just say I just want you to count those out, please pour follower and then it gives 130. And then you could create your billing structure and say,
Okay, if you’re in the range of 130, it falls in whatever range that’s how much I charge for that range. And then when the when the client basically asks you for evidence of it, you can provide the transaction detail report, which clearly, you know, gives the number of transactions that have been entered into the system. Now, you know, so that’s going to be the general idea that you can kind of move away possibly from an hourly billing to the transaction billing in this format.
Now, you could also do this with a journal form. So you might want to check out that journal report at as well, which will break out more complex transactions such as this invoice, and then it’ll give you the detail of the split accounts. So then you can look at all the accounts that are affected. So if you’re doing things like payroll, and more complex invoices and so on, then you may try to do your billing process, basically by the number of accounts that are affected. And then you can have a different, you know, a different range of billing based on that information.
So that’s another way you can use this report. This is also a report that you might use to kind of drill down on certain items. So it’s a report you’re much more likely to be filtering on. So for example, if I run this report, which has all the transactions by date, and I want to say, Okay, now I want to, I want to look at all the invoices, for example, you can use your filtering options by going to the customize reports up top, you’re then going to say I want to, I want to see the filters. And then let’s say that I’m going to choose certain account types. So not account, I’m going to unlock the types of transactions.
So transaction type down here. So I’m going to say what transaction types, which is this column, and say, Okay, I want I would like multiple transactions types, possibly, possibly invoices, and let’s say sales receipts. And then I can look at the activity for those items in here, and it’ll basically sort by just that activity. So really, this is a report that that you could use that 13 feature a lot more likely to use that you can also adjust the headers that are going to be involved, you could do that a couple of different ways. For example, if the memo isn’t important to you, you could grab this handle on the left and just drag it until it’s gone. You could grab this one, drag it till it’s gone.
Grab this one, drag it till it’s gone. If you want to bring those back, or to add other columns, you can go to the Customize reports up top. And then the transactions are down the the columns are down here. So the ones that are checked off are the ones that are being added. So you can go through here and add more columns if you so choose. So just add an item column, and say, there we go. And so now we have our item column here that’s implemented, you can remove the filter by going to customize reports up top and go to the filters. And the filter is here.
This is this is one way you can remove the filters. And so you get the transaction type and remove it. Another way I’m not going to do it here is that you could show the filters and this format, and then say that you want to say remove that filter right there. And then you can remove it and that way. And it’s also nice just to go through this report and possibly just see if you can list in your mind what the transaction is going to be related to certain transactions.
So this transaction type is a bill, what does the bill do? The bill is going to be increasing the accounts payable the other side going to normally like an expense account or something like that it’s going to account to an expense in this case, what does a pay bill do to check in essence decrease in the checking account, then paying off the accounts payable, then we have a check checks, decrease the checking account, the other side, go into whatever account we assign it to in this case, employee advances, invoices, increase accounts, receivable, the other side then goes to some kind of income account, then there could be sales tax, there also could be inventory, depending on the nature of it. If you’re selling inventory, you could double check on this or double click on it.
And that will take you into the actual invoice so that you can get to the source document as well. Close and then that back out. And you can and you can go through there the paycheck form obviously you could think about the paycheck, the transaction related to the paycheck, checking account going down, other side going to the expense account, difference being what was withheld, which is going to the payroll liability accounts and so on and so forth.