Reconciling Year End Payroll Forms – Payroll Tax Forms 941, 940, W-2, W-3

Reconciling the year end payroll tax forms will take a look at the payroll forms we put together including the quarterly payroll tax forms 941, the yearly payroll tax form 940, the yearly payroll tax form W-2, and the yearly payroll tax forms W-3. It is very common for problems to become apparent at the end of the year with relation to payroll because this is when we can reconcile the payroll tax forms. Finding problems in the payroll tax forms before finalizing them can save a lot of time because the IRS is very unforgiving with payroll. As accountants the reconciling process is nice and give us a scene of security that the number are correct in a similar way as the double entry accounting system helping to reduce errors in bookkeeping. The reconciling of the payroll tax forms is not as easy as it would seem. For example. the wages reported on W-2 and W-3 can be confusing to tie out to the wages reported on forms 941. The form W-3 will include three boxes that could have different wage numbers. Form W-3 can be difficult to match up with the forms 941s with regard to social security and medicare taxes because the form W-3 shows only the employee portion while the form 941s show both employee and employer portions. For more accounting information see website.…


Statement of Retained Earnings

The statement of retained earnings will show the activity for retained earnings over the period covered. The statement of retained earnings will start with beginning retained earnings be increased by net income and decreased by dividends. The statement of retained earnings is similar to the statement of owner’s equity or the statement of partners’ equity. The statement of retained earnings shows part of the full statement of stockholders equity. For more accounting information see website.…


Partner Leaves Partnership Cash Greater then Capital Acco

The journal entry for a partner leaving a partnership. When a partner leaves the partnership we will need to take the partnership capital account down to zero with an adjusting journal entry. The partners leaving the partnership will generally is paid in some format, topically with cash. It would be easiest of the partner gets paid an amount equal to the partnership capital account resulting in a credit to cash and a debit to the capital account. It is often the case, however, that the partners is paid more or less then the amount of their capital account. The difference will be allocated to the remaining partners either increasing or decreasing their capital accounts. For more accounting information see website.…


Federal Income Tax FIT – Percent Method – How to calculate FIT using percent method

Calculating federal income tax FIT can be confusing because it is not a flat tax but a progressive tax. There is software to help and the IRS provides table to help with the process. To use the table s we nee marital status, allowances, and pay periods. If the income it over a certain dollar amount we may not be able to use the tables but must use the percentage method. It is useful to calculate the federal income tax withholding FIT withholdings using the percentage method because it gives us a better idea of how the progressive tax system works, how different layers of wages are taxed at different rates. For more accounting Information see website…


Partnership Closing Process – Journal Entries for The Closing Process of Partnership Entity

The closing process for a partnership entity is much the same as any other entity except for the final step, the closing of net income to the capital account. It is important to go through the entire closing process, however, so that know all the steps. Many partnership example problems well ask us to close out net income or may ask us to close out the income summary account to the capital accounts. We need to remember that closing out net income or closing out the income summary account is part of the closing process. The for steps of the closing process are to close out revenue to the income summary account, close out expenses to the income summary account, close out the income summary account to the partner capital accounts, and close out draws to the partner capital accounts. We will use an even income allocation to close out the income summary account to the capital accounts. Form more accounting information see website.…


Overtime Calculation – Financial Accounting

Overtime calculation in a few different formats. Overtime is generally thought of as time and a half. In other words overtime rates are time and a half of the original rate. Although we often use the term time and a half many don’t understand what it means fully. Overtime is usually calculated similar to a 50% raise. We can calculate the overtime rate as the original rate times 50% plus the regular rate. We can also calculate overtime as the origianl rate times 1.5 or 150%, the 1 representing the original time and the .5 representing the added 50% increase. Fore more accounting information see website:…


Payroll Periods and Time Frames

We will discuss payroll pay periods that companies could use to process payroll. Companies could process payroll monthly, weekly, biweekly, and semimonthly. It is useful to know the number of pay period in a year so we can calculate payroll and make comparisons between hourly wages and salary wages.
For more accounting information see website:



FUTA, SUTA Workers Compensation – Financial Accounting

We will discuss Fedural Unemployment Tax Act FUTA and State Unemployment Tax Act SUTA. We discuss these two payroll accounting acts together because they are closely related. Although the states have their own write to create taxes for their state the federal FUTA law uses state SUTA as part of the federal calculation. For more accounting information see website:…


Change In Estimates – Financial Accounting

We will discus the accounting for a change in a financial accounting estimate related to depreciation. The calculation of depreciation is an estimate of the cost allocated to the useful life. There are a few components of the calculation that are estimates that can change as we get better information over time. One component of the depreciation calculation that is an estimate is the useful life, how long the depreciable asset will be used in operations. Another estimate in the depreciation calculation is the salvage value. When these estimates change over time it is often best to account for the change at the point it is found and going forward rather then going back and recalculating depreciation for prior years. For more accounting information see website.…