Do You Have To File 1145 Tax Preparation 2023-2024

Filing taxes involves understanding both legal obligations and potential benefits. The information can be found in Form 1040 Tax Year 2023 instructions, accessible on the IRS website,

Legal Requirement vs. Benefit:

Distinguishing between the legal requirement to file and the potential benefits is crucial. Being required to file means the IRS may pursue non-compliance, while benefits include potential refunds and credits.

Factors Influencing Filing Decision:

  • Income Thresholds: If your income is below certain thresholds, you may not be required to file, but it’s still worth checking for potential benefits.
  • Refundable Credits: Accessing refundable credits like Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, American Opportunity Credit, etc., may make filing advantageous even with low income.

Useful Tools and Resources:

  • Free Resources: Free filing tools are available, especially for lower-income individuals.
  • Tax Software: Utilizing tax software can guide you through the process and help uncover potential benefits.

Chart A, B, and C – Determining Filing Requirements:

  • Chart A: Filing requirements based on age and filing status.
  • Chart B: Special considerations for children and dependents.
  • Chart C: Other situations mandating tax filing, including special taxes, self-employment earnings, advanced premium tax credit, and more.

Special Considerations:

  • Premium Tax Credit: Reconciliation of advanced payments for premium tax credit necessitates filing, especially if you or dependents enrolled through the marketplace.

Dependents and Other Specific Scenarios:

  • Dependent Election: Parents may elect to include a child’s income on their return to avoid the child’s separate filing.
  • Resident and Non-Resident Aliens: Different rules apply to determine filing requirements for resident and non-resident aliens.

Other Noteworthy Points:

  • Health Savings Account Distributions: If you or your spouse received HSA or Medicare Advantage MSA distributions, filing may be required.
  • Net Earnings from Self-Employment: If net earnings from self-employment exceed $400, filing is mandatory.
  • Advanced Premium Tax Credit: If advanced payments were made for marketplace coverage, filing is necessary for reconciliation.


Considering the potential benefits, it’s advisable to explore filing options, even if you’re not legally required. Accessing available tools and resources can help you navigate the complexities and identify opportunities for refunds and credits.

So, grab your coffee, dive into the charts and instructions, and ensure you’re prepared for Income Tax 2023-2024!


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