Print, Export to Excel, & Create PDF from Reports 2.36


QuickBooks Online 2021. Now, print Export to Excel and create PDF from reports. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our QuickBooks Online test drive file, which you can find by searching in your favorite browser. For QuickBooks Online test drive were in Craig’s design and landscaping services, we’re now going to be generating a report. And we’re going to be exporting printing and saving as a PDF. Keeping in mind that we want to basically organize our report in such a way that will be as easy to read and open for either our supervisor or our clients or ourselves in the event that we need to get back into them in the future.


To do that, we’re first going to be setting up I’m going to go actually, the desktop here, I’m going to set up a folder where I’m going to put these reports, we’re going to be saving these reports, we’re going to make the I’m just going to call it QuickBooks Online reports within that folder, we’re going to have the part one, which is going to be the navigation for me, that’s part one of the course that’s going to be the navigation part of the port course, as opposed to part two, where we’re going to be creating a new company file. So we’ll practice saving our reports in here.



Obviously, in practice, you would set this up, but basically, that’s client files, or if you’re working in a particular company and not in multiple companies, then you might want to set it up as reports and then something by date, most likely. So keeping that in mind when we’re now going to go back on over to QuickBooks. And as we generate new reports, we’ll go through this process of saving the report. So we can think about just basically organizing them. So I’m going to go down to the reports then, and I’m going to generate a balance sheet, and then we’ll create the same balance sheet, that comparative balance sheet we did last time.



And if you already have that open, you could just save that one as well. And then we’ll save those to our reports, I’m going to go to the balance sheet down below. And I’m going to take a look at this in as of December. So I’m going to make this as of Oh 101, to zero to 1231 to zero, and then I’m going to run that report. And so then let’s close the hamburger up top, I’m going to hold down Ctrl and scroll up a little bit. So I’m at like one to five, that’s what I like to be one to five, that’s perfect when 25% then we’ll make a couple adjustments to this our standard type of adjustments,



I’m just going to do the balance sheet first. And then we’ll do that comparative balance sheet. So I’m going to go to the Customize up top, I’m going to then just simply change our normal changes on the header and footer, I’m going to remove the date, time and report basis on the footer. And then in the general area, I’m going to make negative numbers bracketed and red. So that’s going to be some of our standard type of formatting that’ll do most of the time, I might forget sometimes, but most of the time, so there we have it. And so we have no footer down below, and the bracketed numbers, or the negative numbers are bracketed.



Now let’s consider giving this to somebody else and remember the presentation have given it to someone else, whether it be a supervisor, or whether it be a client is is half of the work here. So we want to make it look as nice as possible. So up top, we could email it we could email actually don’t directly through the Intuit system. And we might be able to email where we have multiple different reports as well either through the QuickBooks system, or by downloading these items as a PDF file, and then attaching those PDF files to an email sending them out.



Now, one of the downsides of that is that if you have a lot of reports, if you have more than five reports, and you send an email to someone with five different attachments, that becomes a bit tedious for them to basically download that information, and then do anything with it. So another way you can solve that problem is one, you can actually put this on the cloud in some way if you want. So if you have like a Microsoft 365 type of thing, you can use the you can use the Microsoft Cloud store, which I believe is called OneDrive.



And you can give them access to the cloud storage, other cloud storage, you’ve got Dropbox that you can give access in some way Google that kind of cloud storage where you could save it on the cloud and then provide them access to it. That could be a great solution as well. If you want to email it, another solution would be that you can basically take those five or five plus forms, and then consolidate them into one zipped or compressed folder file that you can then attach to the email so that they can just download the entire compressed file, which is a little nicer.



Or we’ll take a look at another option where we can actually put them all into one PDF file with the help and use of Excel and then a pre printing tool that we can use. So those are the options that we will have and will focus in on so you can email it, you can print them, we’ll take a look at printing them as a PDF file. And then we’ll take a look at exporting them to excel and putting them all into one PDF file for one attachment.



When we create the one PDF file from an Excel document, we’re going to do so with the help and use of a printing tool, which basically uses your printer, but it’s going to print it as a PDF, I highly recommend having some kind of printing tool like this, and we’ll see how it works when we when we push forward in that part of the problem. But just note, I believe there’s a free one. And this is the one I typically use. It’s called cute PDF. If you just Google search, PDF printer or cute PDF printer, you should be able to find it, what what will happen is basically you will install the PDF as like a printer.



And but instead of sending the thing to a printer, it’ll actually print it as a PDF, a document, but a PDF type of document. This is useful if you’re not given the option for some reports to export as a PDF. Or if you just want to print a screen of any type of screen and you don’t have that option, whether it be an Intuit or QuickBooks or not, the PDF printer can be quite useful. Okay, so let’s go through those options. If I was to print here, if I go to the printer, these are going to be our printing options, we have once again, we could save it as a PDF here.



Or we can go to the print option here we have how it’s going to look in the printing field, the display of the print so that that is a nice feature. On the left hand side, we’ve got the orient the we’ve got the orientation, which could be portrait or landscape, landscape is the first thing you want to do if things don’t fit on the screen, because they’re going to be too wide. So you have some ability to to adjust them within QuickBooks, we also have the smart page breaks. So it’s going to give you some help in terms of the page break and repeat page headers. That means if you go down to the second page, if there were two pages, that it’s going to repeat the header.



So if you want the header to be basically kept as you go down, you have that option. Now this is somewhat limited in the in the printing options. If you export it, say to excel and you have a more detailed report, then of course, you have a lot more in terms of formatting that you can do to the reports and more more principal options. So if you get to longer reports that are very detailed, and you want to organize them and print them in such a way that they can be displayed to somebody else, then it might actually be useful to once again export it to excel and do your formatting there and look at the other printing options that you have there as well.



So then we can go to the printing option. If we go to the print, then we once again have the display of the print is actually printed as a PDF file, and from here, then we can print it to a printer, or then we can download it in this format as well, I’m going to go ahead and download it, it’s going to ask me, where do I want to put it, I’m going to put it on that folder that I just set up on the desk. So I put it into QuickBooks Online report Part One navigation.



Now I’ve got it labeled as the balance sheet, oftentimes, you might want the date as well. And you might want the date upfront even if you’re going to be sorting by date. And sometimes if you’re gonna have multiple years in one folder, you might actually want the year first, so you might want like 20. And I have to put a dot instead of a dash. So it will save it in Windows system. So I’m going to say 2012 and then 31. And that’ll that’ll basically save it by year first and then the month and then the day.



And that’ll help you with your sorting system. If you have multiple years in one folder, if you’re then starting a new folder for each year, then you don’t really need the date in that format, you could just do the month, the month and day possibly, but just keep in mind your sorting system. So we’ll save that. So that’ll be saved over in that format. I’m going to close this back out, close this back out. Now we’re going to use our export to Excel options, I’m going to hit the drop down here, I’m going to export it to excel. If you have Excel, obviously, you’ll need Excel for this to happen for this to work, then it’ll generate this item down below this item down below is in Chrome.



So I’m using Google Chrome the browser, that’s why it pops up down here. If you’re using Firefox, you might have something up top here, if you’re using an explorer, Microsoft and you’ll probably have a yellow ribbon or something. So then if I open this up now we’ve got a report basically in Microsoft Excel now. So this is a nice tool to have. Now this isn’t something that you’ll probably be exporting or giving to a client basically in this format. But it can help if it’s a starting tool that you will then use to to do other things you want to do with the report. And it could be useful as well as we will see if you have multiple reports that you want to combine into one PDF file.



So what I’m going to do is I’m just going to save this now I’m going to say File, Save As I’m going to browse. I’m going to put this into as well the same folder, and I’m not going to name it balance sheet because I’m going to put multiple reports in here. So I’m going to call this I’m going to call this financial statements like so. And again, you might want to put the date upfront but I won’t put the date this time. Because we’ll have multiple reports in here. So I’m going to save that. So there is that report. And then I’m going to minimize this item. So now I’m back into the QuickBooks system. Now I’m going to make that comparative report that we looked at last time.



And we’ll do a similar process and save the comparative report. So I’m going to do this fairly quickly. If you if you want to look at the detail on it, you can look at the prior presentation by going to, I’m going to change the date range up top from 1201 to zero to 1231, to zero, and then I’m going to change this item here, I want to take a look at the previous period, that’s going to be from 11, one to 11 32,020, then I’m going to go ahead and run that report. And then I’m just going to change the name up top to a comparative balance sheet and remove the date here.



So I’m going to go back up top customize this report, I’m going to change the name in the header and footer to a comparative balance sheets, I’m going to come pair tiv balance sheet, and I’m going to remove the report period removing the date running that report. So there we have it, because the dates are down here. So now I just want to do the same thing with this report, I’m going to I’m going to save it or print it or save it as a PDF last time I printed it and then save it as a PDF. This time, I’m just going to go to the drop down here and say, export to PDF. So if I want to just make it into a PDF, export to PDF, we once again have that same basic window here. And then I’m going to say Save as a PDF.



And now it is going to populate down here as the saving. If it does that in Chrome, I can then open up my my window that I want to save it to. And if I have these things kind of side by side here, then I can just pull pull this one over, I’ll just pull it in there like that. So I pulled it in, and then I can rename it. So I’m going to make these look bigger, I’m going to go to the View tab, I want to look extra large, not just large, not extra large, not get crazy. And then we’re going to say right click, rename this thing. And once again, I’ll call it 2020 1231. comparative, and I’ll put a space between the balance sheet. So there we have that. And so that one is saved as a PDF.



Now, now let’s let’s export it, I’m going to do the exporting thing again. So I’m going to go back up top and say now I want to export this, actually, I should have done the differences too. I should also go to this drop down and say I want the dollar change and the percent change. That’s what we did last time. So I should have that I won’t save it as a PDF again, but I’ll export it in that format. And then I’m going to export it. So we’re going to go to the drop down, we’re going to export it to excel. Now let’s export it to excel. So there we have it dropping down here.



Now I’m not going to drag it in, what I want to do is open this up, and then save this information to my other Excel worksheet I already have open. So I’d like to have these two tabs then on the one excel sheet. So here’s the new excel sheet that I have. And I’d like to save that tab in the prior excel sheet that we save. So this is my financial statement excel sheet, I want another tab with that new information in it. So I’ve got my two workbooks open. Now, there’s a couple different ways you can do this, I want to get it in, I want that tab to be included on this one,



I got this one open, this is where it’s coming from. So one way you can do that is I can I can right click down here and say I would like to move or copy. And then I get this little toggle up top. And so notice up here, I’d say I want to move it to the financial statement. So I’m gonna say financial statement. Now instead of just moving it, I’m gonna make a copy in case there’s a problem with it. So I’m going to try to move it to that other one, which is in a total other workbook instead of the same workbook. So I’m going to say okay, and so there it goes, it moved it right over there.



So now, it moved me over to the financial statement item here, where we have our second tab, which is nice. Now if there’s any problem with that, with it doing that, you could create a new tab here like this, and then go back on over and go back to the to the prior one. And then hit the triangle up top copying the entire thing you want the entire work sheet to be copied. And then make sure you’re in cell A one because if you’re not, it won’t be able to paste the entire worksheet or select the entire worksheet again, and Ctrl V or paste.



So sometimes the formatting gets a little bit messed up. If you do it that way. It would be better however, so I’m going to delete this right click Delete. It would be better if you can kind of export it the way we did it here or copy the whole tab on over and then all the kind of formatting should be much the same. So there we have it. So now I’m going to double click on this one, and I’m going to call it a comparative balance sheet. So I’ll say comparative, I’m going to abbreviate so we don’t have huge names down below comparative balance sheet. Now you can test how it will look by going to this tab over here. And we can kind of view and notice, there’s a, there’s a problem because part of it’s now printing on another on another page.



So if I was to print this, I’d have to like tape the thing together. In order for it to work, I don’t mind it being two pages long like this. But it is a problem if it’s two pages wide. So then to save that, to fix that, you could adjust the columns, if I can. Now Now, if it was way out of out of reach, what you’re going to do is you’re going to go to orientation and make it landscape first and then adjust it, but this one looks pretty close. So what I’m going to do is try to just shorten this column up a bit, see, and now it’s within it’s within that range. So now we have this, so we can save it in this format as well.



Now, what we have thus far, if I go to my reports here is we have these two reports, two reports are not too bad to save as a PDF file. But if we had like five or more, and we’re trying to attach them to an email, it can get somewhat tedious. So how can we make this better? Well, we could save it to the cloud in some way. Once again, save it to like a Dropbox and get someone else access or, or a Google Cloud, or something like Microsoft 365 type of cloud with the OneDrive. Or we can zip the file. Let’s try that I’m going to right click on this item, I’m going to make a new folder. And I’m going to call this financial finance your statements. I’ll just abbreviate this and then I could drag these two items into it.



Now I can’t attach this folder. But I can zip this folder and then attach it. So if I right click on this folder, and then zip the folder, so I’m going to send it to compress it, this zipped folder I can attach to an email. So now instead of having like five attachments, in this case, two, but if I had more than five, I could say okay, now I’m going to zip it and have one attachment. The other thing I could try to do is try to use this Excel document to make one PDF file with multiple forms in it. So this Excel document. Now, I probably don’t want to send this Excel document, but I can use it to then to then create one PDF file with multiple reports. Let’s try that, we’re going to go to the File tab, we’re going to go to the printing option. And then I want to print it to this cute PDF printer.



This is where this comes into play. I’m going to print it to the cute PDF printer here or some type of PDF printer. So I’m using the printing option. But I’m not printing to the the printer, I’m printing to this cute PDF printer, which will make a PDF form of it. And then down below it says print the worksheet that’s the default, it prints only the worksheet you’re in by default, I want to print the entire workbook. So I want to print the entire workbook. So make sure you have those two uploaded, and then it’ll print it in this format, the formatting might be a little bit different. And you can you can adjust the formatting for it.



So like this is on two pages, we can talk about how to put the header on both pages and whatnot. But two pages long isn’t really a problem for me two pages wide, is typically a problem, right? You need to fix that two pages long, not really bad. So then if I go down here, we have that and then the second report is right down below. And there’s the second page of that report. And there it is. So now if I print this, it’s going to print it to the PDF printer. So we’ll save that, then I’m going to put it into my same folder, I’m just going to call it financial statements and say save it.



And so there we have it here. So now instead of instead of having a zipped file with a bunch of folders that they have to unzip and whatnot, I can take it one step further and just give them this one attachment, which will have multiple files in it. So here’s our one attachment now. And it’s got it’s got these multiple files that are inside it in one folder. This is also kind of impressive, because most people don’t know how to do this. So if you can, if you can do this, it gives you you know, kind of a little bit of a step up because again, presentation is a lot of the process when you’re when you’re working, you know, to display this information.



So that’s one way you can get them, you can make it look really nice, right? So, so there we have that. And you could get in a lot more into the into the formatting. One other thing I just want to note over here on QuickBooks is if you open up this tab, let’s make another tab, I’m going to right click on this tab and duplicate it. And then if we if we’re presenting our reports, each month and we’re giving them to like a client, then we could we could step up the formality as well by basically using this manage reports area here.



And this could be another way for us to kind of group our reports and make them look you know, more professional and whatnot. And so we may do a section on that in and of itself. But if you’re just doing some reports, report to report and you’re just kind of attaching the report Then the options that we’re looking at here are the are good way to go. If you’re trying to put in, put them into like a monthly or a yearly or quarterly type of report basis, then you could go into the management reports and that could level it up even a bit more to make it like a formal, more formal looking documentation for financial reporting on a periodic basis like monthly, quarterly, yearly


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