Report Filters 2045 QuickBooks Pro Plus Desktop 2022

QuickBooks Pro Plus desktop 2022 report filters get ready because we bookkeeping pros are moving up the hilltop with QuickBooks Pro desktop 2022. Here we are in our free QuickBooks sample file sample Rockcastle construction, going through the setup process with a view drop down the open windows list on the left hand side company drop down homepage in the middle, maximizing the homepage to the gray area. Opening up now the balance sheet that is our focus can do so multiple ways drop down could go to the Report Center. Yeah, might have it in your favorite reports, for example. But I like going down here to the company and financial and then going down to the drop down of the balance sheet standard.


And so that’s the way I’m going to do it because that’s how I like to do it. So we’re going to go there. And then we’re going to be maximizing or increasing the font size to 14. So I’m going to go up to the customize reports. To do that. We’re going to go to the fonts and numbers where we will focus more time in a future presentation. But now we’re going to change the font changing the font to 14, I’m going to bring it up to 14 on the font. And then we’re going to say OK, and say yes, and then that should be it. We’re gonna say okay, we have changed the font for fonts sake, we’re going to close down this item on the left hand side and prior presentations, we went through some of the adjustable items on reports on the balance sheet.



But similar to old reports, although the ability or useful ness of it can change from report to report. Also note that many of the kinds of things that we might do could be grouped into the types of reports as to whether they’re going to be a point in time report like the balance sheet, needing only one date, or a range report like the income statement. So let’s take a look at the filter option. Now customizing reports up top in the Display area we looked at this last time.



And now we’re going to get to this bottom part in future presentations. When we do comparative reports. That’s generally when those come into play. So we will get there. Now we’re going to go to the Filters tab focusing in on it, the filter tab, we’re going to show it on this balance sheet report. But realize that it’s going to be more applicable, more useful, oftentimes to more extensive timing type of reports a lot of the time. So we’ll give an idea of the filters. We’ll use it later when we start to run other types of reports as well.



But we’re going to be filtering obviously, more options down on the on the balance sheet with the filters that we have more filtering options to show exactly what we want to be showing. So for example, the most common filter we might first think of is the account filter. So I might say I would like to filter my balance sheet by account. Hitting the drop down here, we might have multiple, we might choose like one account, or all asset accounts, all current asset accounts. For example, let’s say all asset accounts. And then it says include split detail, I’m gonna say no split detail, we’ll keep the default here and say okay, and now we’ve got just the the asset accounts down below to get to the current assets, liabilities and equity has now disappeared, because we filtered it out of existence. Now to remove the filters, you got a few different options.



One, you can hit the show filters right here, which is nice. And you could just close out the filter, you can close out the filter, this will keep this one here or and or you could go to the Customize reports go back to the filtering option. If I was to add, say that same filter, say we’re going to put that same filter the asset accounts, it shows up on the right hand side. So here’s where the filter is at. If I wanted to remove it, I could select that particular filter and remove the filter in this way that then bring in back the liabilities and the equity. So like I say, on the balance sheet, that might not seem too useful, because the balance sheet is already kind of summarized the data, it’s kind of like the end result and the summarizing of the data on the balance sheet.



Where it becomes a lot more useful is when we get into like a lot of the detailed reports. So for example, if I was to go into the to the checking account, double clicking on it. Now we’ve got our transaction by account, detailed report. And we’ve got different options that we could basically filter on here, for example, the Bill Payment versus the deposit, we could sort by type which is a common type of filter. Let’s do that we can go to the Customize Report filters, and then we can look at these types of items. Let’s just kind of name them out here the aging might be something that would be more applicable on an aging type of report.



So if it was if it was like a accounts receivable aging, or accounts payable, we could sort by amount. So we might say I would like to see an amount that’s within a certain range, for example. So we might say that we want to see amounts for example that are between like 500 to $1,000 amounts in sales. Check that filter. And so now we’ve got everything here from 5000 to up to 1000. So we could filter by range, I can remove that filter by going to the Customize filters up top filters option, we could say, alright,



I don’t want that filter anymore. Let’s remove it, I’m going to say let’s get rid of that particular filter. And okay, so now we’ve got all our data data that is over the 1000 included, then I can go to customize reports up top filtering options, so we’ve got the birth date that might be applicable for you know, certain types of reports if we’re running data reports for vendors, customers, employees, billing status.



So that would be items related to you know, a billing vendor kind of information, classes, class tracking is going to be applicable for certain types of companies such as this one a job cause company running reports that are class based, we have a whole nother course looking at that, that can be a useful tool cleared your that’s going to be a specialized if it’s colored contract number that would be for a contracting type of client or type of business, customer type.



So if we were to run reports that had customer information to it, then the customer type could be applicable their date formats, then we’ve said we could range the dates, but of course, we could filter by the dates up top as well, we get to more detailed filters on the date, detailed level discount available available due date. So those could be applicable on any kind of report where there are due dates like invoices or bills or something like that entered or modified estimate active fob that’s shipping related information might be relevant on inventory reports, inactive inventory items is adjustment items might be relevant when we’re dealing with certain reports to deal with basically items, possibly inventory or service items.



Job Status has to do with reports that are going to be dealing with a job cost system material, if you have inventory memos. So you could sort by the memo possibly do you want to have these memos that could be applicable for a cash item. So you could try to search search by a particular memo that might be in place. So if I searched for example, PMT, hashtag 17 and said, Okay, I want to find that very specific thing. There we go, we got searching by the memo,



I can go to customize reports up top filters, let’s remove that one, remove the memo. Scrolling down, we’ve got by name that we can filter by. So we got the name, account, note name, address, city email, which would be applicable for contact type of reports, name, state, and then zip code. So these would be applicable if we’re doing vendor lists, or customer lists, Pio number for searching some a list of purchase orders for report, paid status paid through. So payment method.



So that would be you know, if we’re doing things that have payment method items included payroll items for processing, payroll reports, posting status, preferred vendor received sales tax would be applicable, if we’re looking at sales tax reports, ship date, spouse’s name, templates, terms, transaction type. So this, this actually is one that could be quite common transaction type. So we might then want to say that in this particular transaction report, which is in cash, we might say, I would like to see, let’s say all multiple items, I’d like to see the checks. And I’d like to see the payments and the journals maybe so I’d say Okay, and let’s check those out.



So then we got just basically this type field, that’s a very common filter kind of option. Because if you’re dealing with a report that has a whole bunch of different types, such as like a checking account, that’s one way that you can drill down on the data you’re looking for possibly looking for items that are could most likely be decreases, as we’re looking at now, the checks and the payment forms.



And possibly the journal entries resulting could be increased or decreased with the journal entries, reports, drop down filters. And so we go all the way back down. That’s the one I really want to look at vendor type voided, workers comp code, and so on. So you can see that these these types of reports will become more and more useful, or these filtering options will become more and more useful as you get more specific analyze the data that you’re trying to look at and try to try to zero in on more specialized kinds of transactions. And we’ll use those from time to time as we go through our practice problems in in the future.

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