Reports – Print, Save as PDF, Export to Excel Part 1 2180 QuickBooks Pro Plus Desktop 2022

QuickBooks Pro Plus desktop 2022 reports print Save as PDF export to Excel port number one, get ready because we bookkeeping pros are moving up the hilltop with QuickBooks Pro Plus desktop 2022. Here we are in our free QuickBooks sample file sample Rockcastle construction going through the setup process with a view drop down the open windows list on the left hand side that company drop down home page in the middle maximize in that home page, we want to go through the process of organizing our reports printing and exporting them as we do so imagining we are doing it in order to give them to somebody which could be a supervisor, typically,


or possibly a client. And when we think about providing the reports, oftentimes just simply the presentation is half the battle. As they say as GI Joe says it’s half the battle. Not that we’re battling anyone here, which is printed reports is the metaphor, but any case, it’s half the presentation is going to be important. So we want to think about how we’re going to be presenting it and grouping it as we give the reports to supervisors and or our clients I’m going to possibly lean towards giving them to a client’s because that’s more what I’m used to. So first thing I would do then is think about where we’re going to save the reports that we might be saving at the end of the month, end of the quarter end of the year, I’m going to go into this folder that we have set up here.



And I’m going to make another folder. Note, if this was your own practice, you might call it something like this is your clients folder. And then you might set it up on client by client basis. And then within clients by client that you might then set up a year by year folder, as well as possibly a permanent folder, the permanent folder holding permanent stuff that temporary holders, the year by year folders then given the temporary stuff, which would include reports that you generate on a temporary basis. So but here for this practice problem, I’m going to name it just reports first part navigation, these are going to be the reports on the first part of the course, before we get into like the creation of the new company file.



So this is the navigation reports. And then in here, I’m going to start to save our information, I might add more folders as we go. Then I’m going to say all right, now let’s open up our reports. You can practice this with any report. But in prior presentations, we set out our reports on the event the client records on a monthly basis and yearly basis in the memorized reports. So let’s open up those memorized reports. I’m going to go to the Report Center reports drop down reports center to do that. And I’m going to go to the memorized Reports tab and maximize this window.



And here’s the reports that we have set up, I’m going to put them in a list view, you’ll note that I have gone back in here and re numbered them so that I can number them from one to eight so that I could put the reports that I would like to have on top up top. And then if I was to have someone else help me out and assistance, print out the reports at the end of the month or something like that, they could go into the memorized reports that have them all numbered out here and just generate them create the proper date, and then either print, export them to excel, or whatever our process is kind of in that order. That would be the idea.



So I’m going to start off with the summary balance sheet and go through the summary reports. And then we’ll go to the longer balance sheets imagining that when I present this to somebody, we’ll start off with the easiest report that won’t overwhelm somebody and then get into the more detailed reports. general idea. So I’m going to run this report, we’ll start off with the summary report. And I’m going to then try to print this out, I’m going to save it as a PDF. And then imagine that I’m going to email this to somebody. So here are your options for the printing,



I’m going to keep the report as it is with a date 331 23 up top, you can either print the report here, when you print it, we could we could say print, they also have the save as a PDF option, which is nice, we can email meaning we’re gonna send it as an Excel or a PDF in the email, the email is nice, but if you email it directly from QuickBooks, you’re not really verifying you’re not really checking it, before you send it, you could you could check it as a PDF here, and then send it but also, if you send it one by one, and you send as many reports, as we’re looking at, you will most likely overwhelm the recipient of the report with too many emails.



So we don’t want to do that. Your other option, if you’re going to be emailing would be to save them first and then have a bunch of attachments that you would include. Again, that might be somewhat tedious, better, but still tedious because you’ll have a whole lot of attachments. Third option possibly you could zip the files together so that you could send one zipped file with all of your with all of your reports, which again is better. Another option is we could try to export these to Excel and then see if we could put them all in one PDF meaning have those eight reports or whatever we looked at in one PDFs. So we’ll look at all of those options here as we go through.



Also note that we will be utilizing a cute PDF printer, which in essence is a printing option that will allow you to save as a PDF. So if you hit the drop down here, we have an option to save it as a PDF. But some reports and some other programs don’t. Even though you might be able to print it, if you get a cute PDF, if you use a PDF printer, it will allow it will use the printing option to then save it as a PDF, which is a really nice tool, one we will be using in the future. Here’s the software I use. I’m not I’m not promoting it or anything but it’s called cute PDF printer, you can find it in your favorite browser, I believe it’s free. And that’s one option that you can utilize if you want to check that out. Okay, so then let’s go through our options.



First, I’m going to try to save it as a PDF. We’ll do that first. And then I’ll practice with the cute PDF printer. As well notice we’ve already formatted the reports so that they’re in the format that we want to see them as. So I’m going to save them, I’m going to look for the folder that I want to put this in and we’re in the desktop. So I’m looking at QuickBooks Desktop 2022. We’re looking at the reports, and then I will name it here, I will name it. And we’re going to say and I might even want to put like a one next to this one to say this is the first report. So it’ll organize within my folder 1234 instead of an alphabetical summary balance sheet.



And then I could then put the date, but I’m not going to right now since I’m going to send them all as of the same date. So maybe I’ll put the date in the folder, I’m saving them too. And I’m just going to save it there. And we could see then if we jump on over to our folder, it should then populate, like so. And there it is. And we can open that up, of course and check it out. So let’s open it up. Check it out. looks excellent. Okay, closing that out. And then we’re going back to QuickBooks here back to QuickBooks. Let’s open up the next report.



So I’ve got my report center on the left hand side opening up Report Number two, numero dos, as we say in Spanish, that’s my excellent Spanish pronunciation. So here we have our vertical analysis, let’s try to use the cute PDF printer this time to save it in a similar fashion. So this time, I’m going to say I’m going to report go print reports. And then you’ve got your printing options, which includes the preview option on the right hand side, notice that later on, we’ll run into issues with we want to format the report as we’ve seen a little bit in the past meaning if the report was say too long,



or something like that, on on a width wise, we might want to fit it to one page, which are options you have you’ve possibly seen in say Excel, as well, we can print it landscape if we so choose. And we’ve got some options with the smart breaks in terms of where the breaks are going to be. So those are we’ve got some kind of general general types of formatting. And then we have the margins, format hints on the right hand side. If these formatting options aren’t enough to get a report formatted the way we would like, then of course, we can export it to Excel,



we’ll practice doing that as well. And then we can have further formatting options that are possibly too. So we could then preview this report given us that print preview option looks good, I’m going to print it now. But instead of using a printer, I’m going to print it to that cute PDF printer, the one I just kind of looked at that will in essence, save it as a PDF file takes a little bit longer for it to kind of think about but there it is. So now it’s trying to save it, it’s going into the desktop, the documents, so I’m going to say no, that’s not where I want it to go.



I want it to go into reports. And then I’m going to call this number two summaries some Murray balance sheet vertic vertical analysis analysis. So there we have that, I’m going to say save that one. So that should put the second one. So we have another PDF. Those are the two ways we could save the PDF. I’m just going to go through the rest of them here. Opening up another one, we’re going to say let’s see the next one. What else we have number three, numero tres that’s about as high as my Spanish goes numero tres. And then we’re going to save that one.



So I’m going to then go up top, let’s go ahead and just save this as a PDF, saving it as a PDF. And then I’m going to go down here and say this is going to be this summary, balance sheet, FY month and save that and then let’s go to the rest of them numero Quatro. See I was wrong. That was kind of that was kind of okay, number four here we’re going to then say print, save it as a PDF. Here we go. And we’ll Put this one, just changing the name down here, this is going to be summary, comparative Balance Sheet. So there we have that.



The last one did I put a number on the last one I didn’t. Summary, I’m going to put this word number three in front of this, I’m gonna say this was three. And this was for reporting number four. So there we have that. Okay, then back on over, let’s see what else we have. Number five, opening that up. How many see how many reports we can actually do that are kind of based just on the balance sheet, we’ll talk about income statement reports next time, but lot going on. So this is going to be the balance sheet summary, or the standard balance sheet.



So balance sheet, I’ll just call it the balance sheet. And then and that’s number five, Report Number five, save in that one. And then we’re going to go back on over to the reports, how many more we got, we got number three more to go, yo, and then we’re going to save that as a PDF. And this is going to be the balance sheet, vertical, vertical, and now assists analysis. I always misspell that word, six. And now we’re going to go to the reports. And then we’re going to go to number seven, printing this one out, print it, save it as a P D F. And then this one is going to go the balance sheet by month report. Number seven, and then one more and then we’ll go look at the formatting options. I’m going to save that and do one more.



One more report, opening it up, comparative, printing it out saving it as a p, d f. And then we’re going to say this is going to be a comparative Balance Sheet. And save that one. Okay, so now let’s go into our information over here. So so now we have all these reports. Let’s make this one. Number eight, rename it number eight. Well, let’s do this, I’m going to not do that. And then rename it again. Number eight, don’t delete it. Don’t delete it. Okay. So there we have it. So now we can attach these to one email, which is nice. And then we can kind of have it numbered.



So when they pull it out of the email and save it somewhere, it doesn’t shuffle it out in order whatnot. So that’s kind of nice, although the numbers are a little bit clunky at the same time. And so that’s another option that we could have. But that’s still like 15678 attachments. So we might say maybe I can do it a little bit easier. Maybe I can put this into another, maybe I can put this into like another full folder and say this, these are going to be folder. Let’s call it month and reports. I think it was 331. What did we say 331.



And then 331 23, I think it was. Now note, you might want to put the date up top or you might basically want to say I’m going to put these all in a folder dated by year. So that then it’ll sort by date, you know, from oldest from oldest to newest would be a way to do that as well. So you could put the date up top and then the name if you want it to sort it out kind of that way. And then I can put these into that folder. And I could say Could I attach this folder to an email? And the answer is no, I can’t, I cannot attach the folder to the email. But if I zip the folder, then I can attach the zip folder to an email.



So if I right click on this and say I want to save it to a zip folder. Now I can attach this zipped folder to an email. So I did this not simply so I can email it with less space compressing the file, but rather, because I can’t attach a folder, typically to an email. But I can attach the zipped folder to the email. So now I can have one attachment, which would be a little bit easier for someone for someone that is on the receiving side to pick it up and receive it. And remember when you’re looking at these kinds of reports, oftentimes it’s you’re working with a client or even in an office.



Basically, they’re going to need this information possibly not every month, even though you give it to them every month, but they’re going to need it at the end of the year or when they’re doing a decision making process. So you want to make sure that it’s nice that you that it’s set up in a nice format that they feel comfortable and secure, that you’re going to be there for them when they need you which is probably going Be basically at the end of the year.



So the other way we can do this is we can export to Excel, exporting to excel, it’s probably not something we’re going to do when we give the reports to the supervisor or to our clients. But we can use Excel for many different things, we can use Excel to then start with a with a seed of a report that we then want to alter for our own purposes to make a custom report. Really great tool for that. And we can also use Excel to put all of these reports on one worksheet, and then use the cute PDF printer to basically print that worksheet into one PDF file.



So in other words, the next option you might say is, Well, is there a way that I can get all these reports on one PDF file, just one long PDF file, it’s not that easy to do without like an Adobe, Adobe program to basically help you to put all the reports together. But you can do it kind of with Excel and a PDF printer, which which can make you look a little bit professional or be able to do something that other other people probably might not be able to do as easily and just the presentation like I say it’s half the battle.



We’re not fighting anyone it’s not but it’s a GI Joe terms have to It’s like half the thing here is to present it nicely. So we’ll look at that next time. We’ll export it to Excel, and then we’ll see if we could use that cute PDF printer to put it all on one PDF file to attach it as one PDF file to say a supervisor or client

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