Reports – Print, Save as PDF Organize 2180 QuickBooks Desktop 2023

QuickBooks Desktop 2023 reports. print, save as PDF and organize. Let’s do it with Intuit QuickBooks Desktop 2023.


Here we are in QuickBooks Desktop sample Rockcastle construction practice file provided by QuickBooks going through the setup process we do every time maximizing the homepage to the gray area view drop down,



open windows list, hide icon bar checked off open windows on the left hand side, not going to open up the balance sheet and income statement or profit and loss this time, because we’re gonna go directly into the memorized reports and open some reports from there we set up in a prior presentation.



If you don’t have this set up already. That’s okay, you can open up your own reports, practice formatting them, and then we’ll look at the options for printing and saving as a PDF, and how to organize those reports go into the reports drop down, and we want to go to the Report Center.



And then I’m going to maximize this because it always unmatched itemizes for some reason, we’re going to go into the memorized reports that we set up in a prior presentation under the client month end reports, I’m going to then see it as a list on the right hand side.



So in prior presentations, we put these into the system. The idea being that we’re going to try to group these reports at the end of the month, so that we can then provide them to the clients as easy as possible.



So they’ve already basically been formatted. If you don’t have these, you can open up just a standard balance sheet and practice formatting them so that you can then save them in an organized fashion. But the idea is that we set up a different item or different grouping a different group in our memorize reports, which you can do,



by going to the Edit memorized reports, we set up the groups by hitting the drop down or rise up and said new groups, which we made a group for the client month end reports,



then we customized each of these reports that we might want to include each month at the end of the month for our clients so that we can then populate them and generate them as easily as possible.



Afterwards, I’ve numbered them, so we can order them, I’m going to change the order. Now to put the number one on top, I’m going to put my cursor on this little icon and just drag number one to the top here.



So we’ll reorganize the reports, there’s number two, there’s number three, there’s number four, there’s number five. And there’s number six, making it easy for us to then organize,



I’m going to close this back out. And now we’re back in our reports, I’m going to refresh here by going to standard and then memorized. And then now they’re going to be organized here. So there we have it.



Now I’m going to run one of these reports, I’m going to run each of the reports go into the first one, this is the summary balance sheet, which we’re imagining would be the first report, possibly to us, we’re only looking at balance sheet reports.



By the way, we’ll get into other reports like income statement or profit and loss reports later, but we’ve just been working on the balance sheet reports here. So this might be the first one you would want to give when introducing the balance sheet,



I might change the date to 1231 to four, and then it still keeps the formatting and then possibly we’re going TO to save this as a PDF or print it now our options up top to give this to a supervisor would be we can print it, of course. So we can go to report print, we can email it, so we can email it as a PDF or Excel.



But we have to set up our email with the QuickBooks account to do that. But this is somewhat limited still, even if we email because we have, we might have to send like multiple emails.



And we might have as we see here, Six reports that it would be better if we could zipped the reports possibly, or give one PDF report. So we also have an Excel drop down so we can export it to Excel. We’ll do that later.



Next time. This could be useful because you can actually use Excel. And you can use like a cute PDF printer or a printing option. And try to get all the reports onto one PDF file in a fairly simple way. So we’ll talk about that next time.



Note that presenting these reports monthly quarterly to clients, if you’re a bookkeeper, or if you work in the accounting department. giving that to your supervisor in an organized face fashion is kind of like half the battle in some way. Not that we’re fighting anyone here. But



you know, it’s how you want to basically, the presentation of the reports is going to be a crucial thing in terms of how they’re perceiving your work.



Oftentimes, when you’re doing kind of bookkeeping stuff, they might not even understand what they’re looking at.



But they can say hey, it looks nice if it’s organized. So you want to make sure that it is nice and organized and give it to them in a nice organized way. That’s kind of the point here of what we’re what we’re looking at. So if we go to the printing options, we get the drop down. By the way.



The other way we might give it to someone is not by email, but maybe give it to them on a call I’ll drive like a Google Drive or Dropbox or something like that, that will be a common way of giving the files these days.



Okay, so let’s say we were going to print the report. So here’s the printing options. So we’re going to choose the printer. This is a cute PDF printer.



We’ll talk more about that in the future, because this is another way that we can print it to a PDF file. And then we’ve got the portrait and the landscape.



So this is going to be the same kind of issue that we have with when you’re printing like long reports in Excel or something like that. If it’s just one skinny report, you’re probably going to use a portrait, kind of in terms of the paper setting. But if it’s a very wide report, it might not fit on one page wide.



And that’s when we would go to landscape. We’ll talk more about that when we get to those problems. And those kinds of reports, you possibly could see that problem happening more likely, if I double click on this report, change the date to a 10124, you can see this transaction detail reports a little wide.



So that’s when you might have to go to landscape. For example, once we’re given the reports, we have to give an idea of does it does it cause a problem if I have some reports,



portrait in some reports landscape, do you want to have an idea of that if you’re printing the reports, it could, if you’re giving them in a PDF file,



a lot of times the PDF will kind of alter the way it’s going to be viewed when you’re looking at it. So it’s not as big of a problem that you have some portrait and some landscape. So we’ll see that shortly. So we can then say, let’s go back to my printing option.



So we’ve got that we’ve got page ranges. So we’ve got the pages that we can be printing all pages or from smart page breaks, helps you you know,



to sort the page breaks page break after each major grouping. So you can, you can experiment with that in particular reports, the default settings are usually pretty good.



And then you could have the Fit report to one pages wide. Now that’s quite useful once again, if you have a very wide report, but remember that whenever you use these fit to kind of options down below, it could adjust the font size of the reports.



And if you’re giving multiple reports, it would be nice, if possible to have all the fonts the same size, otherwise, it looks a little tacky, but you got to do what you got to do if you have a very wide report, and then you have fit report to one page is high, less useful, because if it’s two pages long, not really a problem most of the time.



But if it’s two pages wide, and you have to tape the reports together, in order to make sense of them, that’s when it’s a problem. So you’re more likely to need this one, as opposed to this one number of copies. One copy collate typically is going to be there by default, and then print



in color. If you use some of the color options, obviously, this one has blue in it, then that could be useful if you’re able to print them in color. So be aware that it’s going to basically print in black and white because it’s a financial statement report.



But if you want to make it look a little bit a little bit nicer, then you have that capacity, you can also adjust the margins on the right hand side, which could be a little bit another tool that you could use if you have a report that’s too long or too wide, for example.



So I’m going to close that back out. So those are our options. The other thing we could do is save it as a PDF, you can save it as a PDF a couple of different ways we can go into print, we can save it as a PDF this way. And so now we’ve got the saving option as a PDF file. This is quite common.



If you want to give the reports to someone else and kind of group the reports together multiple reports together, you also might not have the printing option all the time to save as as a PDF.



So you might want to to use a cute PDF printer or some kind of PDF printer. This here is one PDF printer that I believe is free. So I’m not promoting them. I’m not affiliated to them at all. But the I think you can download a cute PDF printer.



And that way, if you do not have an option to print to a PDF, you can still use the printing tool, which will then print to a PDF. So I’ll show you how that works in a second as well. So let’s do it the first way, this time, I’m just going to save as a PDF.



And then I’m going to put it to a particular folder. Let’s organize our folder real quick. I’m going to minimize this. I’m going to put this into our folder here.



I’m going to open the folder now when you organize the folders, typically you might have by client if you’re a bookkeeper or accountant, we’re going to go into Castle Rock construction.



And then I’m going to put my reports in here. I’m just going to rename it or make another folder. And I’m going to say these are going to be the month and reports.



You might put the month end reports for 2024 or something like that. I’m going to make this larger go into that. And there’s our location. So I’m going to say okay,



I’m going to copy that location case I need it back to QuickBooks. And now I can export the report or save it as a PDF. It’s going to be going into I said desktop.



We’re going to go into QuickBooks. I just set up this one month and reports. And then on the name, I could put this right under the name right here, and say this is going to be the summary balance sheet.



And again, you might want to label this as number one, because then it will organize within this folder as the first report. So I’m going to say, okay, so there we have it. And that’s going to save into our folder, I’ll show this as a large icon. So it saves it of course, as a PDF,



which can be opened by a free program, PDF, a PDF, reader, and so on. So there we have that, all right, and so I’m going to keep doing that, I’m going to close that back out.



Or maybe I’ll close it out. And then we’ll go to the Report Center and do the second one. Same thing, this time, I’m just going to I’m going to save this one the other way, I’m going to print it, but use the cute PDF printer.



So this could be an option, if you don’t have the capacity to save it to a PDF, and then print this one, instead of sending it to a printer, it will then send it to the cute PDF printer.



So now it’s another way to allow us to print this thing out. I’m going to put it here, here, month end reports. And I’m going to say this is number two balance sheet, they’ll say this is number two, bail, balance, balance sheet, sheet standard.



And if I misspell anything, again, I’m doing it kind of quick, so bear with me. And then we’ll just do the rest the same for the rest of them. Number three, so I’ll just use the cute PDF printer here. So we’re going to say print and save to the printer, or this one, not the cute PDF printer,



just a normal save to printer. This is going to be number three, comparative Balance Sheet. And you can see how easy it is to do this on a month end, once you have this set up already. So then I’m going to go through these number four. And I’m going to say print it, save as a PDF,



put my cursor right under here, and I’m going to call this a comm this isn’t a very good name, comparative, same name, but balance sheet, q t.



So these are just the variants of different kinds of balance sheets that we could put together, you may not want all of them, you may want some of them, you know,



we’re just given some ideas, and we’ll talk about the profit and loss reports later. But here, we’re going to they then say okay, let’s do this one. Vertical analysis,



I’m going to say let’s say that one as a PDF, I’m just going to call this one balance sheet, balance sheet, vertical, and now assists, I don’t think I spelled it right, the analysis says something like that. And I think I skipped the number I didn’t number this one,



this should be number five, then I’m going to close that. And then one more time, I’ll do the last one. We’ll say this is a comparative one, I’m going to say print, and save as a PDF.



And then we’ll kind of organize these and zip them. So be be aware of the zipping process, because I think that’s useful to cover. So bear with me.



Number six, this is a balance sheet, compare to prior year. So I did those names fairly quickly may not be the best named reports. But there it is.



And then if I go into these reports here, I’m going to rename this one, which should be number four, right click and rename this one to number four.



So then we could of course attach these reports to an email, or we can put them in a cloud drive for someone like a Dropbox or into a OneDrive, or Google Drive or something like that. If we’re, if we’re going to email them to someone,



then we might not be able to attach them as one attachment, we would have to have six attachments. So we might try to think is there another way that I can email this and have like either one report to give them one file to give them or I can zip them in some way. So those those are the two options.



So next time, we’ll actually go into QuickBooks, and we’ll try to use Excel exporting and the cute PDF printer to zip the report or to put the reports onto one PDF file in a pretty, pretty easy way to do and that can be kind of impressive to someone to be able to open just one file that has all the reports in it.



And or we might say let’s zip the file so that I can attach it to like a an email if I’m going to try to give it to someone by email. So to do that, if I go



Back to one report here, and I just right click on this folder, I can compress it typically. So I’m going to say I want to zip this folder compressed to a zip file.



And so there it is, it might, you might see a file with a zipper on, it might not look exactly the same, but it’s a compressed file. So now if I was to open up my email, then I wouldn’t be able to attach this file to an email. But I may be able to attach this file.



Therefore, instead of giving someone something that they got to download six different PDFs, you can give them something where they have one thing to download, at least that might make it a little bit easier.



Although it might be a little bit more secure these days, and easy to put it on like a cloud drive. And note that the numbering of these files, makes it a little bit nicer to tell them what order you think would be best for them to open the files in.



So next time again, we’ll go over these and say, Is there a way that we can get these all on one file? Right? If you had a if you had an Adobe Acrobat or something, you could do that. But we can also do it by trying to export to Excel,



and then using Excel to save all of those files to one PDF. So we’ll practice doing that next time.


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