Subsidiary Purchases Shares from Parent

Advanced financial accounting PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation we will discuss a consolidation process where we have a subsidiary that purchases shares from the parent. So what’s going to be the effect on the consolidation process? When we have a subsidiary that purchases shares from a parent get ready to account with advanced financial accounting. We are talking about a situation here where this subsidiary is purchasing shares from the parent what’s the effect on the consolidation process? In the past, the parent has often recognized a gain or loss on the difference between the selling price and the change in the carrying amount of its investment. So in the past, it’s often been recorded as a gain or loss on parent companies that difference as a gain or loss on the parent company’s income statement.


Subsidiary Sells Additional Shares to Nonaffiliate

Advanced financial accounting PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation we will discuss a consolidation process where we have a parent subsidiary relationship and the subsidiary sells additional shares to a non affiliate. So we have the subsidiary selling shares not to the parent, but to a non affiliate what will be the effect on the consolidation process? Get ready to account with advanced financial accounting. We are talking about a situation here where the subsidiary is selling more stock or additional stock to someone outside of the organization, someone who is not affiliated not to the parent or some other subsidiary, what will be the effect in the consolidation process? It’s going to increase the total stockholders equity of the consolidated entity by the amount received by the subsidiary in the sale. That of course would make sense because if you imagine the transaction taking place, then if they got cash for it, for example, cash would be going up the other side going to the equity so it’s going to be increasing the total stockholders equity will increase total shares outstanding for the subsidiary reducing the percent ownership of the parent company. So if the subsidiary then issues more shares and they didn’t go to the parent, then that means there’s going to be more shares outstanding. That means the shares that the parent owns will go down, therefore, their percentage ownership will typically go down. In that case, we’ll increase the amount assigned to the non controlling interest.
