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More Persuasive Writing

Way with WordsMichael D.C. Drout calls these skills “the tools to rule,” a set of skills that sounds intriguing, but that may just be the way he worded it. Way with Words is one of the first audiobooks I have ever listened to. As a set of lectures in English, it may not seem like a self-help book for business, but Mr. Drout makes a strong argument for its usefulness . . . Click here for more review. .  .


Baseball CFO Looks to Win with CPM Software


The Phone

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Fire HD 8 Tablet with Alexa, 8″ HD Display, 16 GB, Black – with Special Offers

The smartphone is one of the greatest inventions and they finally figured out how to “take it to the next level”.

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How many times has your book or audiobook been interrupted by a text or call? Many phones may have a way to turn off the annoying phone feature but it’s easier to purchase a Kindle and eliminate the problem altogether.

Click Here for more review

Disruptive Influences: 20 Tech Companies to Watch

Disruptive Influences: 20 Tech Companies to Watch

Learn the Tools to Rule

Way with WordsMichael D.C. Drout calls these skills “the tools to rule,” a set of skills that sounds intriguing, but that may just be the way he worded it. Way with Words is one of the first audiobooks I have ever listened to. As a set of lectures in English, it may not seem like a self-help book for business, but Mr. Drout makes a strong argument for its usefulness . . . Click here for more review. .  .