Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will discuss financial management goals Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, financial management goals. Now, as we’re thinking about the financial management goals, we’re thinking about corporate finance, we’re typically thinking about a corporate structure. So management, how does management fit into the structure of a corporation, the owners of the corporation are going to be the shareholders of the corporation. So if you think about a large corporation, then you’re thinking, well, the shareholders shares are trading all the time, possibly on an exchange for a large corporation.
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Statement of Cash Flows Introduction
In this presentation, we will introduce the financial statement of statement of cash flows. When thinking about the statement of cash flows, we want to compare and contrast the reasons for it to what the other financial statements are providing us what information in other words, are we going to get from the statement of cash flows that’s not on the other financial statements, those being the balance sheet, the income statement, the statement of equity, we’re mainly comparing against the income statement, because the statement of cash flows going to give us some similar information. It’s going to give us information over time, what’s happening over time, unlike the balance sheet, which is going to have a point in time. So we’re still looking at at timing what is what is going on over time. That’s typically our income statement, which measures performance. The major goal of the income statement is to measure performance, how have we done how much work have we done, revenue minus expenses, revenue being recognized when we earn the work when we’ve done the job expenses when we We’ve incurred something in order to help generate in the same time period. And that’s going to be the net income. What that doesn’t do, however, is measure cash flow. And when we first learn about the income statement, that’s going to be a real big distinction we want to look at, we want to say, okay, the income statements on an accrual basis.