Cash Budget 415

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will be discussing the cash budget Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, cash budget, as we consider the cash budget, let’s take a step back and think about the budgeting process. So we can think about where the cash budget will fit in it. So we got to start off with the sales projection, that’s going to be our first step. So we can think about the production plan if we manufacture inventory, or we think about the purchasing plan. If we purchase and sell inventory, then we can think about the pro forma income statement. Now the pro forma income statement is going to be on an accrual basis. But we also want to be considering the cash budget. So obviously, once we have once we start to construct the income statement, on an accrual basis, we can also think about what the cash flows will be.


Classification of Cash Flows

In this presentation, we will take a look at classifications of cash flows on the statement of cash flows, there’s going to be three major categories on the statement of cash flows. Those will be operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. So our goal here, when we go through the statement of cash flow as we work through the statement of cash flows is going to be in part to decide which area these cash flows should go, should they go into operating, investing or financing. It’s going to be common questions and common problems and really just information we need to know when reading the statement of cash flows. So we’ll start off with the operating activities. We’re just going to look at the major components of the cash flows within the operating activities. So we’ll talk about inflows and outflows. Remember what we’re talking about here is cash. So when we’re talking about the statement of cash flows, we’re talking about cash flows, the cash that goes into the company, they cashed out goes out to the company. We’re going to talk about inflows and outflows here related to operating activities. Before we go into the list of inflows and outflows related to operating activities, we want to know first, that operating activities is going to be similar to us thinking about the income statement on a cash basis. So when we think about the operating activities were really thinking or one way to think about it would be that if we were to have the income statement on a cash basis, then what would the inflows and outflows be that’ll basically be what are in the operating activities when we get to the thought process in terms of how to determine operating investing and financing activities.
