Advanced financial accounting PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation we will discuss consolidation and interim acquisition. In other words, we have a parent subsidiary relationship that parent owning a controlling interest over 51%. However, that controlling interest took place for a purchase of the common stock of the subsidiary that happened in the middle of the year. So prior to this, we’ve been talking about situations where we are doing consolidations for an entire year. And you may have question probably popped up in your head at some point in time as well what would happen if the purchase took place in the middle of the year now we have that mid year kind of purchase worse, especially concerned with that first year where the consolidation didn’t really happen. I mean, there wasn’t a consolidated ownership until sometime in the middle of the year, get ready to account with advanced financial accounting. So we’re talking about a situation where we have a consolidation but the consolidation happened in the middle of the years. We’re thinking about that first year, primarily What would happen? Well, if the consolidation didn’t take place in January in other words, the parent didn’t purchase the controlling interest in the subsidiary at the beginning of the year but happened at some point in the middle of the year what’s going to be the impact on the year in consolidation, which typically happens for the entire year? Well, the subsidiary is seen as being part of the consolidated entity from the time the stock is acquired, even if acquired in the middle of the year.
Posts with the quarter tag
Interim Financial Reporting Rules
Advanced financial accounting PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation we will take a look at interim financial reporting or rules get ready to account with advanced financial accounting. Interim financial reporting rules started off with interim report. So interim reports they will cover a time period of less than a single year. So when we’re thinking about the interim reports, when we’re thinking about interim information, we have the year in information when we think about financial statements, we often what pops into most people’s head most of the time are going to be for the year ended financial statements income statement covering January through December balance sheet covering the year end. If it’s a fiscal year calendar year in interim, then we’re going to be talking about the financial statements at some interim period typically quarterly, quarterly meaning first, second, third quarter and then you got the yearly information for the fourth quarter. Therefore, the interim reports they will cover a time period of less than a single year. The goal is to provide timely information about the company’s options. Throughout the year, so obviously more information is nice. We want timely information for the decision makers, we got the year end reports, it would be nice if we have the quarterly reports, which we have now, to give us more timely information as the year goes by. quarterly reports are required to be published for publicly held companies. So if you’re a publicly held company, that company’s stock is being traded on stock exchanges and whatnot, then people need current information. The market needs current information. Therefore, it’s a requirement to have the quarterly reporting for that timely information. The quarterly reports can generally be thought of as smaller versions of the annual report. So when we think about the annual reporting, what’s going to be included in it, the quarterly reports is, as you would kind of expect, right a smaller version of that as we’re doing the reporting for a timeframe that’s going to be less than the entire year. Here some type of interim reporting requirements form q 10 q or form 10 q sec s quarterly report.