Company Preferences Desktop View, Finance Charge, & General 6120 QuickBooks Pro Plus Desktop 2022

QuickBooks Pro Plus desktop 2020 to company preferences, desktop view, finance charge and general Get ready because we bookkeeping pros are moving up the hill top with QuickBooks Pro Plus desktop 2022. Here we are in our get great guitars file, we’re going to be maximizing the homepage maximize the homepage go into the view drop down and the open windows list on the left hand side, let’s go to our edit drop down look at those preferences.


Once again, we’ve been going through the accounting bills calendar checking, We’re looking now at the desktop, first item in the my preferences up top is the one window versus to the multiple windows allows you to kind of move around the windows in this gray area as opposed to locking the window in. So in other words, these three icons you have up top, if I was to lock it, then go away and they just kind of locked that window in place. And you can still toggle through them on the left hand side, that can be kind of nice, because then you don’t have those windows that are that you can move around and they’re all in the same size.



And you can lock them in on the left hand side. But I kind of like having the default with the multiple windows. And then then being able to assign them to lock them in place or not. So desktop, you also have the Save when closing the company. So when you save the desktop information, you could save it here, I believe that has to do import with your items down below. These are the items we looked at in a prior presentation that can basically increase the icons that you have down here.



And so it can make it a little bit larger for you. But they’re actually on your Windows machine. So this is really taking you to my Windows machine. And then I can increase the display size if I so choose. And so I’m in my display settings now from from the Windows machine. And we increased our windows size to 150. That makes the icons a little bit larger, makes it look a little bit nicer. But it also changes other things on my desktop, because now I’ve changed everything up to 150.



So you might have a situation where you’d like I like it to be larger or smaller on the QuickBooks but not on the rest of the desktop. And so you might have tried to revert it back automatically when you close the system. Or you can have it saved, I just keep mine on 150 Everything’s going to be a little bit bigger for me. At this point, you could say don’t save that the the desktop or Save current desktop. And then it says we have the show the homepage, this means the homepage is going to come up every time we open it, which is the default, I kind of like it.



But if you’re sick of seeing the homepage, you can remove that switch to the color icon light background on the tool icon bar, you can experiment with that I’m going to keep the default settings, you also have the sound settings, which once again are going to be taking you to the sound set settings basically on your machine, I’m going to keep those as is as well, then you got the colors down here, which a lot of people might appreciate changing the colors to some other kind of format.



So if I choose something else, you got the different basically up top color, I’m going to keep the standard color here just to keep it as the default. So we can recognize kind of the norm or the standard norm, but you might like different colors or experiment with the different colors that they have there as well. If we go on to the company preferences, then it says select the features that you want to show on the homepage.



So the homepage, of course, is this item here, typically showing the flow, which is giving us a good flow just by default of the information that we have picked. But if you want to adjust it, then for example, if I don’t want the Sales Receipt here, if I don’t use that sales receipt on the homepage, I can remove it. Instead I’d rather keep my flowchart without that because I don’t use it. And then okay, and that I have to say, okay, and it’ll close up my windows.



But if I go back into it and view or company homepage, there it is. And we’ve removed that item up top, going back to the edit and to my to the preferences. Then we also have over here in the desktop view, second tab.



So I’m going to turn that on, you have a similar options here for the statement and statement charges, and on the vendor side the Enter Bills and pay bills. And then down here it says related preferences. To show or hide feature icons on the homepage, you need to turn the feature on or off, click a feature name below to view its preferences. So here we have the estimates if you wanted to remove the estimates here, you’d have to turn the actual feature off. So if I click on it, you’ll see that it’ll move me from this area on the left hand side to where the estimates are.



So I’m going to say you made changes I’m going to say yes. Now I’m in the jobs area. So I’m going to say okay, it’s going to turn off the thing again. So now I’m in the jobs area, and you could turn off the estimates here if you wanted to, and that’s where you would turn them off and that would remove the icon, but it would also turn off the estimates functionality.



So then if I go back to the desktop, same thing with the sales tax sales tax is currently off, we’re going to turn it back, we’re going to turn it on later in this presentation, when we get to the sales tax, you can see it’ll jump down there to the sales tax. So we’ll get there eventually.



And then we got the inventory. Same thing, it’s off right now, we will turn it on later. And that will increase another line item for the inventory up on the on the homepage, the payrolls on and then the time tracking. So then we’re going to go to the finance charges, the finance charges, on the left hand side, nothing in the my preferences, company preferences, we have the annual interest rate.



Now, these are charges that you might charge, and most companies probably don’t use this. But if you had charges that you’re charging for late fees, so you charged a fee, it’s late and then you have finance charges, you could set the rate, the annual rate percentages, the minimum finance charge here, the grace period in terms of days, and then the finance charge account that you would be assigning to assess finance and charges on overdue finance charges.



So now you’re charging finance charges on top of finance charges. And then if you were to do that, it says calculate charges from the due date, invoice or Bill date, Mark finance charge invoice to be printed, then we’re going to go to the general settings which actually have a lot in them. So let’s take a look at the general settings. These are some of the settings that you might go to, even after you have set up the primary settings for the company for your kind of personal settings.



So for example, press Enter moves between fields. So when you’re entering a bill or an invoice, typically you hit the tab key to move from field to field. But if you think it would be easier to hit the enter key, if you like that better, it might be a little faster for some people, you can tap that one. And then we have the automatically open drop down lists when typing. So when you type something like a vendor name, or customer name or account, it will give the list and choose the items that are close to that which again is usually quite a good feature.



So I think most people would like to have that on beep when recording a transaction that could quite possibly drive some people crazy, you could turn it off, I don’t really have the audio on most of the time. So it doesn’t really bother me. But you might want to turn that off, automatically placed decimal point. So if I was to type something, and it could, you could save one keystroke if you type things that have decimal places a lot in them by not typing the decimal place.



And it’ll always take the calculation to the decimal. I don’t like doing that I type the decimal all the time. That’s just how I learned to do it. But it could possibly be a little bit faster if you type, say $53.12 to cite type five 3.12 versus 5312 Without the point and save that that keystroke. So I keep it on without that warn when and by the way, if that if you start using someone else’s computer and they have some of these things turned on like the inter thing here and this item, it could it could kind of drive you crazy, it’s probably in these general settings that they have set that up. That’s why it is the way it is so worn when editing a transaction.



So it’s going to give you that warning, bring back all one time messages. I don’t know why you would want to do that. But you can turn those back on. I’ve turned off pop up messages from the products and services. I like having that off. But if you want to have pop up messages about different products and services could be nice if they’re trying to tell you something that you might actually need.



But I think it’s nice to turn those off typically show tooltips for clipped text. So we’ll keep that on by default, warned when deleting a transaction or unused list item. So it’s going to give us a warning about that. So I’m going to keep that automatically remember account or transaction information, these two are quite useful. Because what after you enter a particular transaction, generally for a customer or a vendor, next time you enter that transaction, it will memorize part of the prior transaction, making the data input a lot easier.



For example, if you enter a vendor to pay a bill like the utility bill, and it was for the electric company, you enter Edison, it will remember next time that you’re paying the account of the utility account if you assigned it last time, two options for this, you can automatically recall the last transaction, which means it’ll recall the amount as well as the account. Or you can pre fill accounts for vendors.



So I’m going to keep it at the second default here you can experiment between the two to see which would be best for you default date to use for new transactions to use today’s date as the default, use the last enter date. The second one is much better for us in our practice problem, because it will it’ll allow us to enter data from the past. If you’re working in real time. You probably want the default to be to today’s date. But if you’re in a situation, for example, if you’re entering a whole year’s worth of transactions, and you’re saying hey, it’s At the end of the year,



I’m taking my banks, I’m putting my bank statement information directly into the system, then it’s really tedious to have it always default into the current date, you’d like a defaulting back to the date that you’ve been currently entering data in, or else you’re going to have date problems with regards to it. Note that you also have that warning to warn you as to whether you have transactions that are so far in the past or in the future, which we turned off. So those two things can stop you from making errors if you’re working in real time.



But if you’re entering past data, they can they can cause more problems. So keep custom item information when changing item in transaction, we’re gonna have it ask us. So we’ll keep that as the as the key Do you want us to change, we’ll say ask us, and then we’ll decide at the time. And then we got the company preferences show portion of an hour. So the default is the 10.12 by default, so it’s basically showing you minutes, instead of the decimal point.



In other words, when you think about obviously, a fraction of an hour, then because it’s 60 minutes, and so on, then the question is, do you want to show the fraction of an hour in terms of a purse of a, like a preset or decimal point, or do you want to share like the minutes so with the default is the minutes, so allows allows shows years as four digit on the years, we’ll keep that as the default, never update name information when saving transactions will keep the default, save transactions before printing.



So that’s when you print something like an invoice, then if you change the transaction and you tell it to print it, then it’s going to save the transaction before it prints it, which is a good default to have because what you don’t want to have happen is you print the invoice, you send it out, and then you didn’t save it in the system. So that’s a good kind of double check to have.



And then it has imagined managed login settings, log off every time a user closes the company or exits. So when you close the company, it logs off. That’s the default that I would generally keep. But it might save a little time to keep the user logged in for and then you can choose a timeframe. After this period user will be automatically logged. So those are going to be the general we’ll continue on with some of these preferences in future presentations.

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