Statement of Activities Export 186

This presentation we will generate, analyze, print and export to Excel a statement of activities or income statement report, get ready, because here we go with aplos. Here we are in our not for profit organization dashboard, we’re going to be heading on over to the reports on the right hand side. So let’s be opening up the reports. And we’re looking at the statement of activities. So you’ll recall the statement of activities is, in essence, an income statement. We’ve been working with the income statement by fund, but then we created our custom reports down below. So we took this report, that’s going to be a general report, we’re going to scroll down to like custom reports down below, which is then the saved reports.


And then we made from the standard income statement, a statement of activities worksheet, which is for internal use, and then a statement of activities that we’re going to use for external use, this is what we’re going to use to provide to others. So we’re going to say, All right, let’s we’re ready to put our reports together, the difference between these two is this one’s going to have the subcategories broken out. This one will not. And of course, the name will be different in that we don’t have a worksheet name on this one. So we’re going to open this one up, and then consider how we might present this to others. So once open note that we’re probably going to be providing this report, we got the equivalent of the balance sheet.



And then basically, we’re going to want the detailed reporting of the expenses that are going to be by category program, and then other and then possibly information on the restricted items, what type of restricted items there are. So that’s kind of a lot of reports. So how can we provide this to somebody out those two kind of scenarios we may have. One is that we’re going to a meeting and you know, we’re going to provide this possibly to the board with paper formats. And so we need to be able to, you know, print this stuff out as efficiently as possible and give it to them.



Second, we might be emailing it to somebody or something like that and sending it electronically. And therefore, how can we put this together to make the email and the attachment and all that kind of stuff as easy as possible. So for either method, one, we could, we could save this report basically as a PDF file, and then and then send it, if we’re printing it, we can print each report, now we’ve got like five of them, at least here that we have to deal with, however, so if we print them one by one, then we’re gonna have to correlate them with the printer or do something fancy with the printer. So we’re gonna think about an option that we might be able to save all this stuff and reduce the amount of, you know, organizing the papers, correlating type of thing.



And then also, how can we get this together basically, on one attachment, instead of like five different attachments, because the presentation of this stuff is really a lot of the a lot of the work because it just makes you look good if you present it well. And also, if you’re dealing with other people that are actually going to look at it, if you give them like five or 10 attachments on an email, they probably won’t open one of them. So what we want to do is give a nice one nice, easy attachment and lead people into, you know, reading more of the information.



So okay, so how are we going to do this? Well, we can print it here, obviously, we can print it, but I don’t think that’s going to be, you know, the best option because we again, I’ll show you how to print it so we can collate it together, we can, we can save it or download it. So the download option over here, we have the download as basically an Excel or Excel options. This is another option that’s kind of strips, the spreadsheet of an Excel format. So you probably won’t need that unless you’re dealing with someone that just needs that kind of raw data. And then you’ve got the PDF.



So this is one way you can get to the PDF format. So I’m going to cancel this. And then also note, when you go to the print, basically, it’s going to it’s going to send it to a PDF file. So even if I say the print button down here, we get a PDF file that you could basically save, or you could open it up and then print it from that point to the printer option. So I’m gonna close this back up. Let’s try this one. So I’m going to download over here. And let’s first look at the PDF. So that’s one common way that we would see it, let’s download it as a PDF. And once again, you’ll see that item show or populate down below, then I would normally minimize the screen, I’m going to look at where I want to put it, I’m going to put it in this folder here.



So this folder that I have set up, and I’m just gonna grab that folder. And I’m just gonna drag it in there, I’m just gonna say I’m gonna take that and do the old drag, I’m just dragging and dropping it into the folder that I want to put it in, which was I put aplos data file, and then I’m going to keep the name or I could probably rename it, but I’m going to keep it for now probably probably be named the statement of activities, so you probably want to rename it. So then the other common way we can do this is to download it as an Excel file. Now you’re probably not going to give an Excel file which might be an XLS. x file, I’m going to keep it on the standard here or the default, you’re probably not going to give it in that format to somebody else. But if we put multiple Excel files on one tab or on one way worksheet on one workbook, multiple tabs or worksheets on one workbook, then we can print it from that one Excel workbook.



And it’ll be easier to correlate. So that’s one solution to the correlating problem. If you have to print like 10, or 100 copies of this thing, right to give out to somebody, that’s one solution. And I’m going to use an option so that we can then create that form and put it into one PDF file with the use of Excel as well. So let’s download it as an Excel file. Very, very useful tool here. And we’re going to be putting this into our folder as well. So let’s open our folder back up, and I’m going to drag that into our folder. So I’m going to drag that in here. And then on this one, I’m going to maximize our screen. So now here’s our two files, I’m going to show them as a large file. And then I’m just going to rename the second one, I’m going to put all of our reports in here. So I’m just gonna call this financial statements, financial statements.



Now it only has the income statement on it now, but we’re going to be including other financial statements, I’m going to open this back up, and just kind of review what our objective will be for it as we print the other reports as well. Okay, so here we have it. So we’ve opened this thing up, and here’s gonna be our report. Now, if you see any any lines like this, that just means that the cells not long enough, you can see there’s a number in it. But the sales not long enough. So I’m going to highlight from CTE, I’m not going to spend a lot of time on Excel here. But I’ll do a little bit of standard formatting. So then I can open this back up. And then you can see, you could see our our numbers here. Now, another common thing to do is I would go to the to the View tab over here to the page view, go to the second View tab.



And that’s going to indicate to us, hey, there’s a freeze panes on it. And so if you continue the panes on the screen, will will be unfrozen, I kind of want that. So I’m going to say okay, and then if I go to this view, then I’m going to see this shows me if it fits on one page wide. So I’m typically going to be considered does it fit on one page wide? If it does, I feel good about it. If not, I want to do some formatting, back to the to the prior tab. So there we have that, and then we probably may not need this to be on the report. So I can delete it, I could just simply delete that here. Or I can delete, say the whole column, maybe I just, I just hit the whole column, right click on the column, and delete the column. So we could then have that. And you could do other format in here. Notice, it’s like the income statement for the period ended.



So so as the report name, you’ll notice it pulled over basically the original report name, what I’d like it to say basically, is this right, I’d like this to be the line for the header. So you could you know, add a different header here, you could do that by basically copying the header. So I kind of wish it would pull over this header, notice it pulled over like this header, the name of the report. So then you could put this over, and I could say, All right, I’m just gonna put this here, I’m going to right click, and I’m going to paste each line and I’m going to paste it pasted, keep the source I’m going to match here. So then I’m going to do that for this line statement of activities. And some of this heading kind of stuff is is fairly typical, you’ll see different type, I’m going to right click and paste this one. So this one’s merged header alignment, remove the merge notice, and then I’m going to go here, right click and paste. And I’m doing the second one to match the design of what’s on here.



And then I’m going to go back on over I’m do this one more time. And I’m going to pick up this one. Like I was going to each, each type of software basically has its own little quirky things that it does that you have to just kind of do the formatting. This one seems to be the title. Notice this one is merged again, Home Tab alignment, I’m going to remove the merged cells. And that’s another common feature that a lot of software will merge cells when they do the exporting. And I wouldn’t do that because it mess and then I’m going to highlight these Home tab and add the boldness now that that might be kind of tedious to you, you might say that’s kind of a lot of work. Well, you could. Another option is you could take this whole thing here and try to paste that into the header. So you could say, I’m going to go to the Layout tab.



And you’ll note the headers up top. So you could try to put that right in the header here. And and, and then and then that way it won’t and then that way, you know the headers kind of bleeding over. So then if you didn’t have this first column, I’ll just delete it just for a second and then go back over and over here. Then the header will show up when you print it right. So that’s another option you can have. I’m not going to do that right now. Maybe I’ll demonstrate that next time. So I’m not going to put that on the header but that might be an easier factor. Option, it’ll already be centered, at least in the middle of the page in that format.



Now, if you if you choose this format, then you might want to center it just where the report is. So you’ll notice most of the software was centering it using that merge thing, which again, I don’t like doing, I would rather do it this way. So it doesn’t mess any formatting up, I would highlight the tabs if I if I want to center this, highlight all the cells, right click on it, and then I’m going to format those cells. And then we’re going to use the alignment tab up top horizontal alignment. And we’re going to center across the selection, and then say, okay, so I’ll show you that, again, you got to do it one at a time.



So I’m going to highlight the next one, right click, and then we’re going to go to the formatting of cells. And then I’m going to go horizontal, and then I’m going to center across the selection. So then I’m going to say okay, and then I’ll do it one more time. we’ll highlight here, right click, and then I’m going to say format cells, and horizontal center across the selection. Now, why is this beneficial, because if you merge the cells, then when you when you work on these cells, they’re it’s messed up, because you’re going to have one giant cell up top, which can mess up the format into things you want to do down below, in the in the report as well.



Now another thing that you might do is you might say, Hey, you know, these these account numbers, maybe I don’t need those for external reporting purposes. So I might say, you know, I can, I can easily just go in here and delete this, this whole row. Now note that when I do that, I just put in the header, right, right in that row. So I’d have to, I’d have to take this header line and move, move it over. Or another way I could do this is to is to highlight this whole row. Notice, again, there’s a merged cell right here. So that’s a merge cell, it’s messing me up, I can’t, I can’t delete this whole column, because that merge cell messes it up. And that’s what I’m talking about with the merge. So any merge cell, I would go to the Home tab, alignment, and merge two unmerge it right, so now it’s been unmerged. And then I’m going to do the same thing here, I don’t want that merge cell really.



So I’m going to go up to the Home tab alignment, remove the merged cell. And I know this is kind of a lot of formatting here. But I’m going to come and do that here too. I’m going to go home tab alignment, remove the merge cell. And I’m going to do that for all the totals Home Tab alignment, remove the merge cell. And you won’t have to do all this for all the report I’m just doing this is some things you might do to customize. So then I’m going to go to the Home tab alignment and remove the merge cell here. And if you want the indentation Now, typically, I’m going to pull the the income line into the next column, I’m going to pull that over here, I’m going to pull the income subcategory.



I’m going to take that and I’m going to pull it over to here, I’m going to do the same with the expenses, I’m going to pull that on over to the next line because I want to delete that whole row basically. And then I’m going to pull the totals over. So let’s take those and pull them over. fiddle let me do so. So I’ll cut and paste them. So I’m going to right click and cut. And then I’ll paste it right here. So there we have that now I can delete this whole column. And I know I didn’t think this out a whole lot beforehand, because notice I put the title right here. And if I delete the column, I’ll delete this title. So one thing I could do is I can highlight this whole column, and say, I’m going to drag this over to the right. So now it’s centered there, and then highlight this whole row, his whole column, and then right click on it and deleted.



So now I’ve removed the account numbers. So that’s just some things you can do. And you know, then if you want to format this if you want this one indented. A common format is maybe I want income and I want to show these indented. So maybe I show these indented I highlight these go into the home tab, alignment indent here, and then the total down here, maybe I want that indented again, Home tab, alignment indent there. Same here, I’m going to highlight all the expenses, and then go to the Home tab, alignment indent here. And then expenses Total Home tab, alignment indent there. So that’s some common format and you might you might, you know play around with then you might want the negative number right there.



You might that you might like that to be bracketed. So to do that, I could say all right, I’m just gonna take all this take all the numbered cells. You also might want to remove the zeros. The pennies aren’t doing anything here. So I might right click on this and then we could do some format and we could say hey, I’d like to say that I want the first tab, let’s make it a currency format. Let’s make read the negative numbers, let’s remove the decimals. And then say, Okay. And so there we have that. So now, again, that’s a lot of formatting. And then you don’t need those, all that formatting, you could just present. I mean, this reports pretty much good to go as it so you don’t really need to do all that kind of stuff. But that’s the type of things that you that you can do. Now, this bottom component, maybe I don’t even need this, maybe I just want to get down to the net income. So I might just delete this whole, this whole recap down here, I’m just gonna delete that.



And then I’m going to say the net income oftentimes is called change in net assets. So we might want to call this change in net assets. And that’s kind of like the not for profit term for net income oftentimes. So change in net assets, you may want to call it increase or decrease in net assets, as well. Also note, you can change the tab down here, if you don’t want to call it an income statement, you can call it basically a double click on the tag statements of activity, t eyes, something like that. Now, again, I feel like I did a total overkill on on this, you don’t need to do all that formatting. But that’s just some of the things you could do. Obviously, in Excel, you can do a whole lot more formatting. Again, the reports pretty much good to go.



As it is, I mean, you could you could print, you could print this report out, and you’d be fine. But if you want to customize it, that’s just some of the customization you can do the main thing I think, would be the title that you want to do. So in any case, what we’re going to do laters, we’re going to be adding more reports to this one to the same workbook. And that means that we can then once we have all these in the same workbook, even if we don’t do all that formatting, we can print it from this one workbook. And then we can we can have it all correlated for us already. Also, if I go to the File tab, and then just to take a look at what we’re gonna do in the future, if we go to print.



And then if we go to the printing options up here, notice I have something in this drop down, that’s not just a printer, I’ve got something called a cutepdf writer. And that’s a really good tool, it’s free. So if you want to look that up, like search it on your safe, favorite search engine, or whatever, and then search cutepdf writer, and I’m not affiliated with them or anything, but if you have some PDF writer, then once we have multiple tabs in our in our workbook, we can actually print them to a PDF file on one on one PDF.



And that means we can send all of our reports with one PDF to whoever we want to send them to in this way. So to do that, and we’ll see that in the future, we’re going to use this cute PDF writer, which is again, free program, you can you could search it and download it in order to do that. So that’s gonna be it for now. Let’s get out of here.

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