Valuation of Business Entities

In this presentation we’re going to talk about valuation of business entities when there’s going to be an external expansion. In other words, a merger or consolidation, get ready to act because it’s time to account with advanced financial accounting. We’re continuing on with our discussion of external expansion. That means we’re have two separate entities that are going to be combining in some way shape or form. The two types that we want to keep in mind at this point is the acquisition of assets and the acquisition of stocks. So if the acquisition of assets we have one company acquired another assets using negotiation with management, so that means you have two separate entities and one entity is basically going to be purchasing the assets of the other entity versus the acquisition of stock, where we have a majority of outstanding voting shares is generally required, unless other factors result in the gaining of control. So in other words, you have two entities, one entity in essence buying a controlling share or controlling ownership over 50% typically 51 and above. Have another entity. So from an accounting perspective, then the question is, well, how are we going to value the assets and liabilities. Now when we think about the assets and liabilities, we may have to use an appraisal oftentimes, in order to do so because remember, if you’re talking about some assets, they might may be on a fair value method, because you might be talking about cash or something like that, or possibly stocks or investments in that way, that may be easy to value with a market method. However, if you’re talking about things like property, plant and equipment, then it’s going to be more difficult to know what the value is. That’s the problem because there hasn’t been a market transaction for that exact same piece of equipment for some time.


Forms of Business Combinations

This presentation we’re going to talk about forms of business combinations, which is basically external expansion, two types of entities that are going to be related in some way, shape or form, get ready to act because it’s time to account with advanced financial accounting, forms of business combinations. Now remember, we’re talking about expansion. Here, we’re thinking about expansion. We’ve got the two categories, we’ve got the internal expansion and external expansion. We’re considering here, the external expansion, we have an organization that now wants to expand and they’re going to be consolidated in some way or have two separate entities that will be combining. So now we’re talking about two separate legal entities typically separate legal entities that are now going to be combined in some way shape or forms. The forms of business combinations can be the statutory merger, the statutory consolidation, and the stock acquisition. So if you think about, in other words to separate legal entities and say, Alright, well how can these two separate legal entities be combined in some type of way, you can imagine some different Kind of scenarios in which that could take place. So and when you’re imagining those different types of scenarios, you’re going to be thinking about, okay, well, what’s going to be the key factor here, it’s going to be the controlling interest. So what’s going to be a situation where you had two separate legal entities, and now they’re they’re going to be have some controlling relationship, which could be that they’re combined together under one entity at some point or they are having a parent subsidiary type of relationship, in which case the control would be over the 50%. So that control concept is what you want to keep in mind here.


Allocate Expenses to Classes

This presentation we’re going to take a closer look at external business expansion, which includes things like mergers and business combinations, get ready to act, because it’s time to account with advanced financial accounting. Before we move into the external expansion, you want to give a review and keep your mind on what our focus is we’re talking about a business that is expanding. When we think of it about expansion, we can break that expansion into internal and external expansion. So we have a business expanding into new areas do segments, we can think of it as an internal or external expansion. In a prior presentation, we talked a little bit more on the internal expansion, in which case you might have a situation where a parent creates a subsidiary or a parent basically just creates another division possibly, and expands in that format. Now we’re going to be going to the external expansion, in which case we’re talking about two entities. So we have two separate legal entities that in some or two separate entities in some case in some way, shape reform are coming together. So now we’re going to have an expansion where we have an external expansion. So if we’re thinking of thinking about this, from the from the standpoint of one company, we’re thinking about ourselves as one company and we are expanding, then we’re thinking about the expansion externally, that we are going to be combining in some way shape or form with another company. Now, the format and form in which that combination can take place can be various we can have various forms of that combination, it could result in a parent subsidiary type of relationship, or it could result in the parent basically consuming that another company and bringing them into the overarching parent company.


Business Acquisition & Expansion

In this presentation, we’re going to discuss an Introduction to Business acquisition and expansion, get ready to act, because it’s time to account with business, Advanced Accounting, advanced financial accounting will have to do with the concept of expansion and the accounting related to it. So first we need to know well, what is expansion? What are the types of expansion that can take place? What are the problems with regards to the accounting for it? And then what type of accounting principles can we apply in order to deal with the accounting related to those problems? So when we think about expansion in general of a business, we’re thinking about the growth of a business, typically, you have either internal expansion or external expansion. So those are two categories of expansion. We want to start to visualize in our mind and we got our mind our mind is visualizing a business that is trying to expand how are they going to do that? Are they going to do it with some type of internal growth or some type of external growth? Then we want to think about the legal structure of the of the expansion for example, an expansion often results in a parent subsidiary type of relationship. So, we have different legal entities that are associated in some way shape or form.
