The Nature of Asset Growth 605

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will discuss the nature of asset growth, get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, the nature of asset growth, we’re going to start off with working capital management, what is working capital management, the financing and management of current assets of the company. So when we consider this, let’s think about the accounting equation assets equal liabilities plus equity, remember that the assets are what the company has, why does the company have them in order to help generate revenue to get a return on the assets in order to help generate revenue?


Forecasting Objectives 405

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will discuss forecasting objectives Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, forecasting objectives. When thinking about forecasting, we’re thinking about into the future, we’re thinking about kind of like a budgeting or projection type of process, we want to plan ahead making changes in strategy as needed. So we’re going to think about what we think will happen into the future. So we can strategize now, and do what we need. Now, in order to accommodate what we believe will be happening in the future. Based on our best guesses based on our forecasts, we’re going to construct a financial plan to support the growth.
