Month End Expenses Part 2 162

This presentation we’re going to continue on with part two of recording our typical kind of month end type expenses like a telephone and utility type expenses Get ready, because here we go with aplos. Here we are in our not for profit organization dashboard, we’re going to be heading on over to Excel to see what our objective will be. So we’re going to be on over in Excel, we’re in the eighth tab. Last time, we made these first two ones green, because we did those ones. And now we’re going to continue to make the next one green, because that’s the next one we’re going to do, we’re going to be recording our expenses, this is going to be the utilities expense, I’m going to right click on that one, make it green.


Salaries Expense 145

In this presentation, we will record a transaction related to salaries expense into our accounting system. Get ready, because here we go with aplos. Here we are in our not for profit organization dashboard, we’re going to jump on over to our Excel file to see what our objective will be here, we’re going to be in tab number six, tab number six, where we have our transaction. Here we are in our not for profit organization dashboard, we’re going to be jumping on over to Excel to see what our objective will be, we’re going to be in tab number six. So we’re in tab number six, we’re going to be recording the salaries expense.


Pledge 135


This presentation, we’re going to enter a transaction related to a pledge and our accounting system. Get ready, because here we go with aplos. Here we are in our not for profit organization dashboard, let’s jump on over to Excel to see what our objective will be. We are in Excel, we’re in tab number three, we’re now recording a pledge. Now the pledge is going to be similar to the contribution. However, we haven’t got the money yet. So it’s a promise to pay. If you compare this to a for profit type of organization, the contribution would be similar to us doing the goods or services at the same point in time that we get paid. And you can imagine given a sales receipt, like at the register, at that point, and then the pledge is going to be similar to us doing a service or providing goods before we get paid.


Bank Reconciliation Second Month Part 3 9.17

This presentation we’ll continue on with our bank reconciliation process for the second month of operations, this time finalizing the bank reconciliation process and reviewing the bank reconciliation report. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online. Here we are with our get great guitars file, we’re going to start off with our reports down below. So I’m going to go to the to the reports and we’re going to go to the reports on the bottom left. Let’s open up that balance sheet report.
