Statement of Cash Flow Outline

In this presentation, we will take a look at a basic outline for a statement of cash flows. In order to do this, we first want to give an idea of how the statement of cash flows will be generated. So we can think about these components of the statement of cash flows and where they come from. Typically, we will have a worksheet such as this that we will use in order to generate the statement of cash flows. That statement of cash flows, having three major components, operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. Our goal here is going to be to fill out these three components and typically we will use a worksheet such as this on the left. The worksheet is just basically a comparative balance sheet that we have here that we’ve reformatted from a balance sheet to just a trial balance type format, a debit and credit type format. So you can see that we have our balance sheet accounts, and we are imbalanced by having the debits the positive and the credits be negative or debits. Minus the credits equaling zero, given it’s an indication that this period, the current period that we are working on, is in balance, the prior period, same thing. So we have two points in time for to balance sheet points the prior year, or period the prior year in this case and the current year. And then we just took the difference between these two columns. And if we have something that’s in balance, here, the debits minus the credits equals zero, something that’s in balance here, the debits minus the credits equals zero. And then we take the difference of each line item in these columns. And some of those differences, it too must add up to zero. So in essence, what we’re going to do in order to create the statement of cash flows is find a home for all these differences. And that’ll give us a cash flow, a concept of the cash flow statement. We’ll get into more detail on how to do that when we create the cash flow statement. But as we look at the outline, keep that in mind. So here’s going to be the basic outline for the state. cash flows, we’re going to have the operating activities. That’s going to include a list of inflows and outflows from the operating activities. And then we’re going to have the net cash provided by the operating activities. Now, this list of inflows and outflows for the operating activity will be the most extensive list because the operating activities are in relation to you can think of it as similar to the income statement.


Statement of Equity From Trial Balance 17

More in this presentation we will take a look at the statement of owner’s equity and see how to construct the statement of owner’s equity from the trial balance. When looking at the trial balance, we can see the accounts will be in order with the assets and then the liabilities, then the equity and then the revenue and expenses. The equity accounts being broken out here of owner capital and draws. But it’s a little deceiving to break out this equity section. Because the trial balance really is showing both a point in time the balance sheet account permanent accounts up top and timing accounts which are going to be the revenue accounts down below. When we think about the point in time for total equity as a whole. We’re really considering the entire blue area here. This is one of the most confusing concepts to really know when you’re looking at these financial statements.
