Jobs, Sub Customers, and Projects 7260 QuickBooks Online 2022

QuickBooks Online 2022 jobs, sub customers and projects get ready because it’s go time with QuickBooks Online 2022. Here we are in our get great guitars practice file, we set up with a 30 day free trial holding down ctrl scroll up just a bit to get to about one to 5%. We’re currently in the homepage otherwise known as the get things done page.


And the business view as compared to the accounting view, if you wanted to change to the accounting view, it’s something you can do by going to the cog up top down to the accounting view, we will be toggling back and forth between the two views, either by going here or jump into the sample company file,



which is in the accounting view, just so we can take a look at where the different items are located with the two views. Now we want to talk about jobs, sub customers and projects a confusing area for multiple different reasons.



One being that this is an area of specialization, meaning particular types of industries would need the Job Costing or to be tracking specific types of projects. Typically, when you have a situation where you have longer term projects that you want to be tracking items,



costs and expenses related to so therefore, we’re not going to get into it in a lot of detail here, because it’s a specialty type of area. But we want to touch on it, too. It’s also confusing because the terminologies can be similar. Or we might use different terms for the same thing.



So for example, jobs and sub customers have similarities to it. And three, we have similar type of functionality, but functionalities that are different within the software. In other words, in this software, you’ve got the sub customers, which in essence act like jobs that were in the QuickBooks Desktop,



and then you’ve got the new item, which is in essence, the projects. So the projects has some overlap in terms of what it can do its functionality of what you might use them for, as the sub customers or what used to be called the jobs.



So now the question is, when you’re in the QuickBooks Online System, if you’re in a system where you have a job cost type of system, or you want to track items for a specific job, then do you want to use the sub customers? Or do you want to use the projects? That’s the first kind of question that you want to be thinking about.



So if you’re in a type of industry, where you want to be tracking these longer term, type of projects, or jobs, and related to particular customers, then do you want to do that with the projects? Do you want to do that with the sub customers, oftentimes, in the online system, you



might be moving over to the projects, because that’s kind of the the newest type of thing that has some different types of functionalities with it. The other confusing components you want to look at is that you could basically also use sub customers in alignment with the projects.



That’s why they could still be applicable and useful while you still have those two types of things that could be involved in the same type of software.



And also, if you’re moving from another software like QuickBooks Desktop, it uses it doesn’t have the project’s features at this time. It has jobs, the jobs, if they were converting into the online version, would be basically the sub customers and not the projects.



So if you were to be converting from the desktop version on into the online version, you need to be careful that if you’re trying to use the projects system and the online version, then you need to be careful in knowing that you might not be able and most likely will not be able to just import all the jobs and convert them over to projects.



Because those are two different things. Okay, that said, let’s go into our get paid and paid service center, basically the Customer Center and the Business View,



I’m going to go into the customers up top, which is in the Get Paid area, if we were in the accounting view, it would be in the sales area, basically the customer cycle, and we would be going into the customers area here.



Alright, let’s go back on on over to the the Business View. And then I’m going to close this back out. So first, let’s think about the sub customers. Because these are these are basically the similar or similar thing to the job. So if you’ve worked with the desktop version, if you’ve worked with jobs, you’re basically saying,



Hey, I’ve got a customer, I’m going to make a job that’s sub A sub customer or subordinate to the customer. And I’m going to track costs that are related to that particular job.



So you might have for example, one customer, and you might be doing multiple different jobs for them that are taking longer term status of the job and doing like a job cause type of system and you would be tracking the information for the particular job under you know, the sub the job being the sub of the customer.



So we could do that a couple different ways we could say okay, let’s go into for example, setting up a sub customer for Jones guitars. So what I’m going to do to do that is I’m going to go up



And I’m going to say I want to have a new customer, I’m just going to add it as if it were a new customer. But I’m going to click off this little checkbox saying it’s a sub sub customer, which is kind of similar to a job if you worked with the desktop version.



And then I’m going to say sub customer of Jones, Jones guitars, and there it is. And the only other information I’m going to put is going to be the number, I’m going to just call it, the number is going to be 305.



So I’m going to say there’s job number 305, you might put more of a description on the job number other than the job number, but I’m just going to put 305, it’s going to be the job. And it’s going to go for Jones Jones guitars, it’s going to be a sub customer of Jones guitars, why can’t Why won’t that pull up Jones guitars there it is.



And then we have this item down here which is to build with the parents. So when I create basically the the payments from the parent can be applied then to the to this particular job. And when I create statements, I can then apply the the statements will be on the job statements will be on the statements for the parent customer.



Or I can say Bill, this cut bill, this customer which is going to basically separate those items. And this distinction is one of the reasons that you might kind of use the jobs or the sub customers in alignment with the projects because when you set up a project, as we’ll see, when we get into the project side, it’s possible for you to assign the project to the customer.



Or you can assign the project to a sub customer if you wanted to do that. And then possibly have the sub customer, kind of separate with regards to the billing of this customer.



And so that’s one way you can use this in alignment. But I’m not going to get into that in too much detail here. So we’re going to go ahead and save this, let’s just save this and see what it looks like.



And so now if I was to see my customers, let’s go back, I’m going to hit the little icon or the little hamburger, there is our sub customer here. Let’s go back to our customers just to see what it looks like here.



And there is our sub customer, I’m going to create another tab up top right clicking on the tab up top and duplicate that tab. And then if we wanted to basically invoice something to a particular job, we can then invoice it to to the job as we create our forms. So I can say okay, if I was going to make an invoice now and invoice it,



and I want to apply it to the job, or sub customer, I’m going to say 305 and then pick it up. So notice it picks up the parent Jones guitars and then the number 305. So I’m going to close that back out. Do you want to save without? Yes, let’s go back on over. And let’s just do another one and say we were going to do one for Sam the guitar man.



So I’m just going to say if I wanted to create a sub customer, which is like a job, I just say new, I’m going to say this is for this is going to be for a sub customer, of Sam, the guitar man. And I’m going to say the name is just going to be a number for us 402. And then it will be a sub customer,



I’m going to build it with the parent, which is the default. So I’m going to save that. And so there we have then the sub customer here as well, Jones and Sam the guitar man. And then obviously you could track information basically to the sub customer or in essence, basically the job.



Now projects, let’s take a look at the projects and compare that to the project. So I’m going to go to the tab to the right, let’s go to the tab to the right. And the projects are located in the business overview. If you were in the accounting view, it would just be simply on the left hand side projects.



And so we have our projects here. And then I’m going to close up the hamburger and it says run your projects with confidence. make better decisions by knowing how your jobs are doing profitability in one place.



Organize your project finances with a clear view of profits, keep track of your labor costs, QuickBooks helps you connect the dots between your payroll and projects. So it has a little bit more functionality.



Also note that this one is now here I believe with QuickBooks Online Plus, it used to be something that was you had to basically level up for they had you know it was a added feature and so on.



So now you basically have access to it with a QuickBooks Online Plus I believe, and so and it’s obviously the thing that they’re trying to integrate into play and work and have been putting some work into. So eliminate the guesswork and this payroll item is is one of the areas they’ve been putting some some improvements into as well.



eliminate the guesswork understand which projects make money and where you should focus your efforts. And so we could we can you can look up again what you want to do when you’re doing this on the online version. decide, okay, how am I going to use this? Am I going to use these sub customers?



Or am I going to use the projects, when you start your system out, then you want to make sure that you’re applying the proper system from the start, because that’s going to make it a lot. It’s one of those, it’s another one of those things where you want to basically,



measure twice, cut once, as opposed to tinkering with it until you get it right, because it’s going to be difficult to change your system from using basically a sub customer system to a to a job cost system, you can also use class tracking. And in location tracking in a similar kind of ways, these functionalities have a lot of overlap within them. So and that’s, it’s great that you’ve have all these tools,



but it also causes some confusion, because you can do similar types of things with with these different tools, which may or may not be beneficial depending on your specific needs. So it really gets down to basically your specific needs.



And what you would like to do is pick the pick the thing that it’s going to be assigning you best and your particular needs, so that you don’t have to switch it later on. Because converting from a whole different system of tracking your projects will be you know, more time consuming than just hopefully getting the right system down and then just tinker in within that system that



you are using. So let’s go ahead and just start a project just to see how it works, we’ll put the project name, I’m just going to call it project one, and then the customer so you can see it still applies out to a customer.



So let’s put this one to Anderson with y, let’s put it let’s put it also to Jones guitars, Jones guitars on the customer. And we’re gonna say the start date, let’s say just basically at the end of the beginning of the year,



I’m not going to put an end date, and then you have your status C’s, which are not started. So if it’s not started, you’re just planning the project, it’s in progress, that’s typically where you needed to be, if you’re going to be assigning items to it completed would be it would be done and then cancelled, you no longer have the project,



if you were to make estimates are something like that to the project, you know, then you can use the estimates, which wouldn’t actually report or record a transaction because the estimate does not have any financial transaction.



And you might use the estimates for a project and then cancel the project or something like that. But in progress, then you’ve got the notes for the project.



And then I can save the project. And basically the project is just going to be in essence a shell here that it’s going to allow us to then post things to a particular project, you’ve got the overview, the transactions, the time, the project reports, the income and expense information on down below, for in for Jones guitars and in progress here. If I was going to go to the first tab, and I hit the hamburger, and I was to add, say an invoice again.



So I’m going to invoice. And now I want to look at a particular project, I can hit the drop down. And I’ve got Jones guitars.



Now I’ve got the project. And I’ve got the sub customer. And these are two different things they’re not they’re not the same thing. So if I named the project, the same number like 305, then that would be kind of confusing, because these are these are two different items.



So you got to be aware of that I’m going to close this back out. So there’s our invoicing. Also note that if you go into your customer area on the get paid and pay area, into the customer area, and go down, say for Jones, notice the the sub customer shows up in this area, but you don’t see the project in this area to get to the project, you got to go to the Project Center, and then you can track the information in the Project Center.



So if you wanted to go back, let’s go back to all the projects. So now we’re in all projects. And let’s basically take take a look at a new project again. So let’s say I was to say, New Project.



And this is going to be project two, and then I’ll put this one the other one for Sam that guitar man start date and then in progress, so we’ll keep that one. I’ll save that once again it goes into the project.



So now we’re into the activity of the product project, we can add the information here instead of going to the tab to the right to add the invoice for example, I can add the invoice the received payment, the expense, the estimate right here,



which will make it a little bit easier or less less likely for me to to basically assign it to the wrong area not the right project for example, because if I add an invoice here, it will put the project up top automatically instead of me having to locate it when I when I create the invoice. Closing this back out and then of course we can go back to the old projects.



And then we’ve got our two projects on down below. then we can we can work with in the overview here. So I won’t go into the it’s a specialty area to look at the track the projects, we won’t go into it in a lot of detail here, we might take a look at it in a future course or future presentation.



So we can drill down on it in a lot more detail. But just note just realized that when you’re setting up something that’s going to have projects or something that has class tracking, or location tracking, or sub customers or jobs,



that you have all these different tools that have that are all great, they have their unique benefits and their and their and there are things that they cannot do.



And of course, your goal then is to say Okay, which of these really neat tools can I use? What combination of the tools do I want to use? And I want to get that done from the start.



And if you’re converting from a system like QuickBooks Desktop on over, then the question is, you know, what’s the best system to convert into, and how easy is the conversion process going to beat? How am I going to be able to convert to use and get in alignment with the data I currently have into the system I want to be using from here going forward.

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