Vertical Analysis Profit & Loss, P&L, Income Statement 3.25

QuickBooks Online 2021 vertical analysis, profit and loss, p&l or income statement, let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our free QuickBooks Online practice file, which you can find by searching in your favorite browser. For QuickBooks Online test drive, we’re in the Craig’s design and landscaping services, we’re going to go down to the reports down below modifying another P and L profit loss income statement.


Custom Income Statement 3.15

QuickBooks Online 2021 Custom income statement, let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our free QuickBooks Online test drive file, which we can find by searching in our favorite browser for QuickBooks Online test drive. We’re in Craig’s design and landscaping services practice file, we’re going to go on down to the reports down below, we’re going to be creating a custom income statement, we’re going to build that from our standard income statement.


Print, Export to Excel, & Create PDF from Reports 2.36


QuickBooks Online 2021. Now, print Export to Excel and create PDF from reports. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our QuickBooks Online test drive file, which you can find by searching in your favorite browser. For QuickBooks Online test drive were in Craig’s design and landscaping services, we’re now going to be generating a report. And we’re going to be exporting printing and saving as a PDF. Keeping in mind that we want to basically organize our report in such a way that will be as easy to read and open for either our supervisor or our clients or ourselves in the event that we need to get back into them in the future.


Statement of Cash Flow Indirect Method Change In Accounts Receivable

In this presentation, we will continue putting together the statement of cash flows using the indirect method focusing here on the change in accounts receivable. The information will be a comparative balance sheet, the income statement and some added information we will be focusing in on a worksheet that was composed from the comparative balance sheet. So here is our worksheet. So our worksheet that we can pay that we made from the comparative balance sheet, current period, prior period change. So we have all of our balances here for the current period, the prior period and the change, we have put in this change. And this is really the column that we are focusing in on we’re trying to get to this change in cash by finding a home for all other changes. Once we find a home for all other changes. We will get to this change in cash the bottom line here 61,900. The major thing we’re looking for is right here. We’ve already taken a look at the change in the retained earnings. And the change in the accumulated depreciation. Now we’re going to look at the changes in current assets and current liabilities.


Note Payable Journal Entry

In this presentation, we will record the journal entry related to a note payable related to taking out a new loan from the bank. Here’s going to be our terms. We’re going to record that here in our general journal and then we’ll post that to our worksheet. The trial balances in order assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses, we have the debits being non bracketed or positive and the credits being bracketed or negative debits minus the credits equaling zero net income currently at 700,000 income, not a loss, revenue minus expenses. The difficult thing in terms of a book problem, when we record the loan is typically that we have too much information and this is the difficult thing in practice as well. So once we have the terms of the loan, and we have the information, we’ve already taken the loan out, then it’s the question of well, how are we going to record this thing? How are we going to put it on the books and if we have this information here, if we have a loan for 100,000, the interest is 9%. And then the next number of payments that we’re going to have, we’re going to pay back our 36. Then how do we record this on the books? Well, first, we know that we can ask our question is cash affected? We’re going to say, Yeah, because we got a loan for 100,000. That’s why we got the loan.



So cash is a debit balance, it’s going to go up with a debit, so we’ll increase the cash. And then the other side of it is going to be something we owe back in the future. And that’s going to be note payable. And that’s as easy as it is to record the initial loan. The problem with this the thing it’s difficult in practice, and in the book question is that we’re often given, of course, the other information, like the interest in the number of payments, and possibly more information that can cloudy up the what we’re doing, and the reason these are needed, so that we calculate interest in the future, but they’re not really We don’t even need that information to record the initial loan. All we need to know is that we got cash and we owe it back in the future. And you might be asking, Well, what about the interest we owe interest in the future as well? We do, but we don’t know it yet. And that that’s the confusing thing interest, although we we will pay interest and we know exactly how much interest we’re going to pay in the future. We don’t owe it yet. Why don’t we owe it yet? Because we’re going to pay back more than 100,000. Why don’t we Why don’t we record something greater than 100,000? You might say, because we know we’re going to pay more than 100,000. And that’s because the interest is something that it’s like rent. So we’re paying rent on the use of this 100,000. And just like if we if we had a building that we rented, that we’re using for office space, we’re not even though we know we’re going to pay rent in the future. We’re not going to record the rent now. Because we haven’t incurred it until we use the building.



So the same things happening here. We know we’re going to pay interest in the future we’re no we know we’re going to pay more than 100,000 but it hasn’t happened yet. We haven’t used up we haven’t gotten the use of this hundred thousand and therefore haven’t incurred the expense of it yet. So the interest and is something we need to negotiate when making To turn off the loan, but once the loan has been made, and we’re just trying to record it, it’s not going to be in the initial recording. It will be there when we calculate the payments need and the amortization table. So the initial recording is pretty straightforward. We’re just going to say okay, cash is going to go up by 100,000. And then the notes payable is going to go up from zero in the credit direction to 100,000. So what we have here is the cash increasing the liability increasing, although we got cash, there’s no effect on net income because we haven’t incurred any expenses. We’re going to use that cash most likely to pay for expenses possibly or pay for other assets or pay off liabilities in order to help us to generate revenue in the future. But as of now, we’ve gotten we increase an asset and we increase the liability

Bond Issued at Premium

In this presentation, we will take a look at the journal entries related to issuing a bond at a premium. When considering the journal entry for a bond, remember what can change and what is the same for a bond. When we think about a bond, it’s already been printed, we know the amount of the bond, the interest on the bond, the maturity date of the bond, these are already set. So if we’re making a negotiation with the bond after it had already been printed, then we can’t change the face amount. We can’t change the interest due dates. What can we change in order to negotiate and make a sales price on the bond, we can change the amount that we issue it for. So keep that in mind. Whenever you think about these bond problems. That’s the thing that’s going to differ from a bond to a note. The thing that changes when we want to loan is the interest rate. The thing that changes when we want to issue a bond that’s already been made is going to be the amount we receive For the bond being different than the face amount of the bond if there’s a difference in the market rate and the contract rate. So in this example, we’re saying that we issued a bond. Now note that when we think about the issuance of the bond, just like a note, we often have more information than we really need. And that can be a little bit confusing for us.


Budgeted Profit and Loss Report 11.15


This presentation we will generate, analyze, print and export to Excel a budgeted Profit and Loss report, we’ll take a look at a budget of profit and loss and a budget versus actual Profit and Loss report. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online. Here we are in our get great guitars file. You’ll recall last time we enter data for the budget. And we did so by going to the cog up top and then we went to the tools we went to the budgeting information, and we entered this budgeted information. If you were to edit it, then you can go back into it and enter that information here. I’m going to close this back up, then we’re going to then go into our reports.
