DuPont System of Analysis 315

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will discuss the DuPont system of analysis Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, the DuPont system of analysis, the DuPont system of analysis is going to be focusing in on a key financial ratio, that being the return on equity or our OE, the ROI he is calculated most simply as net income divided by equity, what we’re going to do is take this return on equity and break it out into components, those components drilling down on areas in the business, allowing us a better analysis in those areas and given us some opportunities to improve different components of the business. So it allows us to basically drill down and get more detail on the return on equity.


Bond Price Present Value Tables

In this presentation, we will calculate the bond price using present value tables. Remember that the bonds is going to be a great tool for understanding the time value of money. Because of those two cash flow streams we have when with relation to bonds, meaning we’re going to pay the bond back the face amount of the bond, and we’re going to have the income stream. And those are going to be perfect for us to think about time value of money, how to calculate time value of money, our goal being to get a present value of those two streams. So we’re going to think of those two streams separately generally, and present value each of them to find out what the present value of the bond will be. We can do that at least three or four different ways. We can do that with a formula actually doing the math on it. We can do it now, which is probably more popular. Now. Do it with a calculator or with tables in Excel, I would prefer Excel or we can use just tables pre formatted tables. The goal here the point is to really understand what we’re doing in terms of what what is happening, what can it tell it? What can it tell us, and then understand that these different methods are all doing the same thing.


Bonds Present Value Formulas

In this presentation, we will take a look at present value formulas related to bonds. One of the reasons bonds is so important to accounting and finance is because they’re a good example of the term of present value of money. We’re trying to look for an equal measure of money, when we think of bonds and bonds is going to have this relationship between market rates and the stated rate, which helps us to kind of look through and figure out these types of concepts. So even if we don’t work with bonds, in other words, if we’re not planning on issuing bonds, or buying bonds, or knowing anything about bonds not being important to us, the time value of money is a very important concept and bonds is going to be a major tool to help us with that. Why is bonds so useful for learning time value of money, because there’s two types of cash flows with bonds meaning at the end of the time period, we typically are going to get the face amount of the bond that 100,000 similar to a note and then we’ve got the interest payments that are going to happen on a periodic To basis, and therefore we have these two different types of cash flows, that we can use two different formulas for, to think about how to equalize.


Interest Calculations

In this presentation, we will take a look at how to calculate simple interest a few different ways. As we look at this, you may ask yourself, why are we going over this a few different ways, why not just go over it one way, the best way. And let us learn that well and be able to apply it in each situation. While one way does work in most situations. In other words, we will probably learn one way have a favorite way to calculate the simple interest and apply that in every circumstance. It’s also the case that when we look at other people’s calculations or technical calculation, they may have some different form of the calculation. For example, I prefer away when I think about the calculation of simple interest to have some subtotals in the calculation and have more of a vertical type of calculation the way we would see if done in something like a calculator. If we see a type of equation in a book, then the idea there is that Have the most simple type of equation expressed in as short a way as possible. And that typically is going to be some type of formula. And that formula will often not be showing the subtotal.
