Lower of Cost or Market

In this presentation we will discuss the concept of lower of cost or market. We will define this concept first and then see it and talk about how it would apply to inventory. The definition of lower of cost or market according to fundamental accounting principles, while 22nd edition is required method to report inventory at market replacement cost when that market cost is lower than recorded cost. So, what we’re saying here is we have we’re talking about the inventory, of course, and we’re saying that we have to record it at the replacement cost. When that replacement cost that market cost is lower than the recorded cost, what we actually purchased it for. So this looks like a confusing type of definition. However, it’s pretty straightforward. What we’re applying here is going to be the conservative principle meaning that if our inventory has declined in value, we have to record it at the lower cost. We don’t want to be overstating our income mentoree obviously regulations are very concerned about us overstating something, when we’re talking about an asset, and making the financial statements look better than they would rather than understating it.


Inventory Methods Explained and compared FIFO LIFO 15 600

Hello in this lecture we’re going to talk about estimating inventory methods methods such as first in first out last in first out and the average method. Last time we talked about specific identification when we were selling the inventory of forklifts. We use specific identification meaning we had an ID number for each particular forklift and knew exactly which forklift we sold and the cost of that particular forklift. reason that makes sense for forklifts is because they’re relatively large, they could be distinct in nature, and they have a fairly large dollar amount in comparison to other types of inventory. If we’re selling something else, like coffee mugs over here, we may have a large amount of coffee mug they may be all completely the same.


Inventory Tracking Explained – Introduction-Specific 10 600

Hello. In this lecture we’re going to talk about the idea of tracking inventory and recording inventory, both in terms of the balance sheet as well as the income statement in the format of cost of goods sold. In our example, we’re going to be purchasing and selling forklifts, meaning we’re going to purchase forklifts from the factory and then we’re going to sell those forklifts. That means that forklifts to us will be inventory their inventory because we are purchasing the forklifts in order to resell them for the generation of revenue. That’s really going to be the definition of inventory the purchasing of something for the resale of it as opposed to if we were someone else purchasing the forklift in order to help us generate revenue in another way through the use of the forklift, in which case it would then be property plant and equipment.
