Profit & Loss, P&L, Income Statement Overview 3.10

QuickBooks Online 2021 Profit and Loss P and L income statement overview. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our free QuickBooks Online test drive practice file, which you can find by searching in your favorite browser. For QuickBooks Online test drive, we’re in Craig’s design and landscaping services practice file, we’re going to go into the profit and loss or income statement by going to the reports down below, we’re going to be opening up the standard profit and loss which should be in your favorites because it is a favorite report, profit and loss report, otherwise known as an income statement, sometimes called or referred to, in short as the P and L,


Set up Funds & Tags 120


In this presentation, we’re gonna set up and customize our funds and tax features within our accounting software. Get ready, because here we go with aplos. Here we are in our not for profit organization dashboard, we’re gonna go into our chart of accounts over here. Now, we’re going to go into the fund accounting tabs and the fund accounting tab up top, then you’ll see another bar here with our drop downs, we want to go to the accounting drop down on the far left hand side, we’re going to first go to that first item, which is going to be the accounting tab, we’re going to be going into the accounting tab. And then right up top, we have our funds features.


Combined Leverage 525

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will discuss combined leverage, get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, combined leverage. Remember when we’re thinking about the term leverage, there’s typically two types of leverage that come into our minds. One is going to be the financial leverage the others the operating leverage the financial leverage, probably the one that pops into most people’s mind, if they’re familiar with leverage that being related to the debt in the organization and the risk and reward related to different levels of debt depending on the circumstances. And then we have the operating leverage, which has to do with the mix between the variable costs and the costs and the in the fixed costs.


Financial Leverage 520

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will discuss financial leverage, get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, financial leverage. Now remember, when you hear the term leverage, you’re typically thinking of two different categories, that being financial leverage. And then the operating leverage the financial leverage, usually the one that most people think of when they think of leverage having to do with the leverage related to the debt, the operating leverage having to do with their leverage related to the cost structure between the variable cost and the fixed cost, the operating leverage having the leverage component when you have the in the fixed costs.


Percent of Sales Method 425

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation we will discuss the percent of sales method, the percent of sales method been a tool that can help us with our projections out into the future help us to think about where we will stand, think about what our balance sheet accounts will be in the future. If we, if we estimate some type of growth into the future also help us to determine whether or not we may need additional funding to support our growth plans that we have set in place. Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance percent of sales method. Now this method can be a little bit confusing when you first look at it in the calculation or formula for it can be a little bit intimidating as well, I highly recommend to get a better understanding of this formula and how to apply it to go through the practice problems, we will have practice problems related to this formula in terms of Excel problems, as well as working through the practice problems and presentations in one note.


Pro Forma Balance Sheet 420

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation we will discuss a pro forma balance sheet or budgeted balance sheet. Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance pro forma balance sheet. As we think about the pro forma or budgeted balance sheet, let’s take a step back and see where it fits in with our projections with our pro forma statements, you’ll recall that the place we need to start then is going to be the sales projections, we need the sales projection, we’re first going to think about how far we’re going basically the activity type of statement. And then we’ll take that change that activity statement how far we went, like miles driven in and our income statement, and then we’ll tack on the beginning balance where the odometer was at at the beginning to get to the ending point, which is going to be the ending balance sheet.
