Pledge 135


This presentation, we’re going to enter a transaction related to a pledge and our accounting system. Get ready, because here we go with aplos. Here we are in our not for profit organization dashboard, let’s jump on over to Excel to see what our objective will be. We are in Excel, we’re in tab number three, we’re now recording a pledge. Now the pledge is going to be similar to the contribution. However, we haven’t got the money yet. So it’s a promise to pay. If you compare this to a for profit type of organization, the contribution would be similar to us doing the goods or services at the same point in time that we get paid. And you can imagine given a sales receipt, like at the register, at that point, and then the pledge is going to be similar to us doing a service or providing goods before we get paid.


Fund Raising Purposes 121

In this presentation, we’re going to set up and analyze the function of purposes within our accounting software, the purposes are going to be similar or serve a similar function as the items like inventory items and service items in a for profit organization. Get ready, because here we go with aplos. Here we are on our not for profit organization dashboard. Last time, we were over here in the accounting section, and we set up our chart of accounts and we set up our tags. Now we’re going to be going into the donations section we’re going to go into the donations, this is going to be our revenue type of site of section if you’re thinking about this as a comparison to a for profit type of organization, is how we’re going to be generating revenue with those donations.


Set up Funds & Tags 120


In this presentation, we’re gonna set up and customize our funds and tax features within our accounting software. Get ready, because here we go with aplos. Here we are in our not for profit organization dashboard, we’re gonna go into our chart of accounts over here. Now, we’re going to go into the fund accounting tabs and the fund accounting tab up top, then you’ll see another bar here with our drop downs, we want to go to the accounting drop down on the far left hand side, we’re going to first go to that first item, which is going to be the accounting tab, we’re going to be going into the accounting tab. And then right up top, we have our funds features.


Aplos – Set Up Free Trial 105

In this presentation, we’re going to take a look at the setup process for the free trial of aplos. aplos is an accounting software that’s designed specifically for not for profit organizations they typically have and at this time do have a free trial component for it, which is a great tool to get used to the software and go through a practice problem as we will do here. Get ready, because here we go with aplos.
