Personal Finance presentation, interest calculation methods prepare to get financially fit by practicing personal finance, interest calculation methods, these will just be broad categories of general interest calculation methods given us concepts that we want to be keeping in mind when we’re thinking about financing, when we’re thinking about loan options, they make a lot more sense when we work practice problems, and we get the concepts down much better.
Posts in the Accounting Instruction category:
Loan Components and Trade Offs 5200
Personal Finance, presentation, loan components and trade offs. Prepare to get financially fit by practicing personal finance, loan trade offs. When we’re thinking about our financing options. When we’re thinking about picking up a loan from a financial institution, we want to know what the basic trade offs are, what are options can be in a general format. To do so it’s often useful to look at the basic components of the loan itself.
Credit & What to do if Identity is Stolen 5220
Personal Finance, practice problem, credit and what to do if identity is stolen, prepare to get financially fit by practicing personal finance, what to do if identity is stolen with regards to credit, there’s two major categories, I would want to keep in mind, we would be keeping in mind that we want to make sure that no current charges or more charges are being made on our behalf. And that no changes or further changes are happening with regards to our stolen identity.
Credit Billing Error & Disputes 5215
Personal Finance, presentation, credit, billing error and disputes, prepare to get financially fit by practicing personal finance, credit, billing error and disputes. So in other words, what do we do or what should the process be if we have a dispute if we think there’s an error of some kind, with our credit being processed possibly through the credit card, in other words, something’s being charged to us. And we think there’s an error with it process could be notify creditor of error in writing within 60 days.
Cosigning a Loan 5230
Personal Finance presentation, co signing a loan that prepare to get financially fit by practicing personal finance, co signing a loan. So the general scenario with regards to co signing a loan is that you have person a person a trying to get a loan from a bank or some other type of financial institution, that financial institution wanting to make money through providing the loan through the interest they would generate from it,
Protecting Your Credit From Theft or Loss 5225
Personal Finance a presentation protecting your credit from theft or loss. Prepare to get financially fit by practicing personal finance. In a prior presentation, we discussed actions we might want to take if our identity had been stolen with regards to credit. Now we want to think about those proactive kind of steps that we can take in order to safeguard and prevent our identity from being stolen to prevent theft related to credit. So protecting your credit from theft or loss.
Financial Counseling Services 5240
Personal Finance presentation financial counseling services prepare to get financially fit by practicing personal finance, Consumer Credit Counseling Services, CCC s, Consumer Credit Counseling Service agencies, our internal revenue service 501 c 93 nonprofit organizations that will help you find a workable solution to financial problems. So this is one place where they can be going to for help for problems with things such as possibly credit types of problems. Each CCC s agency offers a common set of services including financial education, budgeting, assistance and debt management plans, the history of the Consumer Credit Counseling Service.
Debt Problem Warning Signs 5235
Personal Finance presentation, debt problem warning signs prepare to get financially fit by practicing personal finance, debt problem warning signs, we would like to be able to pick up the earlier warning signs with regards to debt problems so we can make changes and curb our actions before we get into bigger problems in the future. So for example, if you have a warning sign up, say the Repo Man coming and stealing your car in the middle of the night, in order to pay off a secured debt, that would be a later type of warning sign, we’d like to catch the earlier type ones, so that we can take actions to safeguard our credit, and have a better cash flow situation so that in the event that we need credit in the future, we have the ability to get it in the event of an emergency.
Declaring Personal Bankruptcy 5250
Personal Finance presentation, declaring personal bankruptcy prepared to get financially fit by practicing personal finance, declaring personal bankruptcy. Obviously, declaring personal bankruptcy is one of the last options we would want to be considering when dealing with debt issues that there are a lot of different components. And it can get quite complex when we’re dealing with bankruptcy issues.
Closed-End Credit vs Open-End Credit 5115
Personal Finance, presentation close and credit versus opened and credit, prepare to get financially fit by practicing personal finance. two basic types of consumer credit remembering when we’re thinking about credit, we’re thinking about financing, we’re thinking about loans, we’re thinking about personal loans personal financing, the two types being closed and credit opened in credit. These are going to be broad type of categories that loans can generally fall into starting with the closed end credit, which is a loan or type of credit where the funds are disbursed in full when the loan closes and must be paid back interest and finance charges by a specific date.