Advanced Customer Deposit Payment 8.30

QuickBooks Online 2021 advanced customer deposit payment. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in the get great guitars practice file, we’re going to be recording a pre payment from a customer or a deposit sometimes called unearned revenue. So let’s first open up our balance sheet and income statement reports. We’re going to go up top right click on the tab up top, duplicate, we’re going to duplicate again, right click on the tab up top and duplicate again. So we got the double duplications.


Pay Sales Tax 8.60

QuickBooks Online 2021. pay sales tax. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our get great guitars practice file, we’re going to be opening up a new tab to open up the trial balance, I’m going to go up top, right click on the tab up top, duplicate that tab to open up, then the trial balance, which is going to be found then on the left hand side in the reports, going to type up top to find the trusty TB trial balance typing into the find score, trial balance, trial balance.


Products & Services List Item List 1.84

QuickBooks Online 2021 products and services list or item list, let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in the free QuickBooks Online test drive file, which you can find by typing into your favorite browser, QuickBooks Online test drive, we’re in Craig’s design and landscaping services. So we’re looking at the another item that can be classified under the category of lists. So one way to get there would be go to the cog up top. And then under the lists, here, we’re looking at the products and services. So that’s one way you can get into this particular list. fairly quick way to get into it, I think more often, or at least more often for me,


Chart of Accounts 1.80

QuickBooks Online 2021 chart of accounts. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our free test drive file, you can get to the test drive file by searching in your favorite browser browser for QuickBooks Online test drive the Craig’s design and landscaping services test drive file is what we are working with, we’re going to go into the chart of accounts. A couple ways we can go to get in there we saw last time Chart of Accounts is one of our major lists.
