Intercompany Debt Transfers Overview

Advanced financial accounting PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation we will give an overview of intercompany debt transfers. In other words within the concept of our consolidation process where we have parent subsidiary relationships we have intercompany debt debt going from one entity to the other, from parent to the subsidiary or subsidiary to the parent could be in the form of, of notes payable or in the form of bonds payable, get ready to account with advanced financial accounting. When we think of intercompany debt, we can break it out basically into two categories intercompany debt the debt from one to the other from parent to subsidiary or subsidiary to parent, two categories, one direct intercompany debt transfer and the other is the indirect intercompany debt transfer.


Parent Sale to Sub & Sub Resold

Advanced financial accounting. In this presentation we’re going to discuss an intercompany transaction where a parent makes a sale to a subsidiary and then the subsidiary resells it. In other words, we have this intercompany transaction, we want to think about how that is constructed. And then how we can do the reversing entry for it or a consolidation entry in the case of a consolidation of a parent and subsidiary in a consolidated financial statements, get ready to account with advanced financial accounting. So within a situation where we have a sale from P to s, and then S sells it to an outsider remember that as it goes to the outsider, that’s going to be the legitimate type of so that’s the arm’s length transaction, the sale from PETA is not so and therefore we kind of have to eliminate that. Now if it’s been sold to an outsider, then we have a situation where the inventory is still gone. There has been a sale being taken place. And so we so that’s good, but we still have to do the reversal of part of that intercompany transfer and it’s gonna boil down At the end of the day, basically debiting, the revenue account reversing revenue, and reversing the cost of goods sold. So this is the boiled down version. Now if you think about it, you might say what happy because if p sales to s, then you’re going to like debit cash credit, you know, you’re going to credit the sales, and then you debit cost of goods sold, and credit inventory and then asked is going to be recorded cash, and then they’re gonna be recording, then the other side go into inventory, and then right, there’s more, and then they made the sale to the outsider. So how do we boil this down? How does the intercompany boil down to just this right? We kind of kind of have an idea of that in our mind.


Consolidation With Difference Simple Example

Advanced financial accounting. In this presentation we’re going to talk about the consolidation process with a differential we’re going to look at the component parts with a simple example a simple calculation, you’re ready to account with advanced financial accounting, consolidation with differential example. So here’s going to be the basic scenario for many of the practice problems we will be looking with. We have P and S, there’s going to be a parent subsidiary relationship in which we will be making consolidated financial statements. How did this situation take place what constituted this situation, we’re going to say that in this example, P is purchasing the stocks of S. So notice they’re purchasing the stocks of s and therefore negotiating the stock price, which we’re going to say is $1,000 here. Now to simplify this example, you first want to think about this as p purchasing 100% of the stock of s for $1,000. And then once they have control, anything over 51% would then be controlled.


Remeasure Financial Statement of Foreign Subsidiary

Advanced financial accounting PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation we will discuss the remeasurement process for financial statements of a foreign subsidiary. Get ready to account with advanced financial accounting remeasurement financial statement of foreign subsidiary remeasurement overview so we’re going to go through the process of the remeasurement. As you think of the measurement process, you want to be comparing and contrasting it to the translation process. So you’re envisioning basically you got a parent company. The parent company has a subsidiary the subsidiary is a foreign subsidiary. The subsidiary then conducts their books. Typically we’re thinking in a foreign currency right, that subsidiary is conducting their books in a foreign currency. If we need to consolidate the subsidiary into the parents financial statements, the parent uses dollars to measure their books subsidiary uses a foreign currency on the bookkeeping side, how do we get them over $2 so we can do the consolidation process. two methods generally we can use a translation method or a remeasurement method, and we have to determine which method we’re going to use by determining what the functional currency is. And once we know what the functional currency is, then we can determine whether we need to use the translation method or the remeasurement method. And they’re going to be slightly different. Now note, there’s also a third kind of option where we might have to use translation and remeasurement if there was a situation where the foreign currency has the financial statements, and something other than the US dollars and then the functional currency was not the currency that their bookkeeping was in, and it’s not the US dollar.


Inventory Tracking Explained – Introduction-Specific 10 600

Hello. In this lecture we’re going to talk about the idea of tracking inventory and recording inventory, both in terms of the balance sheet as well as the income statement in the format of cost of goods sold. In our example, we’re going to be purchasing and selling forklifts, meaning we’re going to purchase forklifts from the factory and then we’re going to sell those forklifts. That means that forklifts to us will be inventory their inventory because we are purchasing the forklifts in order to resell them for the generation of revenue. That’s really going to be the definition of inventory the purchasing of something for the resale of it as opposed to if we were someone else purchasing the forklift in order to help us generate revenue in another way through the use of the forklift, in which case it would then be property plant and equipment.
