Bank Reconciliation Second Month Part 3 9.17

This presentation we’ll continue on with our bank reconciliation process for the second month of operations, this time finalizing the bank reconciliation process and reviewing the bank reconciliation report. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online. Here we are with our get great guitars file, we’re going to start off with our reports down below. So I’m going to go to the to the reports and we’re going to go to the reports on the bottom left. Let’s open up that balance sheet report.


Bank Reconciliation Second Month Part 1 9.14


This presentation we will start a bank reconciliation for the second month of operations. This will be part one we’ll be focusing in on reconciling the deposits. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online. Now. Here we are in get great guitars file, we’re going to open up our reports. First, let’s go on down to the reports on the bottom left. And then we’re going to first open up the balance sheet report our favorite report opening up the balance sheet. We’re now considering the second month of operations, I’m going to change the dates up top those from a one a 120 to 1230 120.


Bank Reconciliation First Month Part 3 Review Report 9.12

This presentation and we’re going to continue on and finalize our bank reconciliation for the first month of operations. Then we’re going to review the bank statement reports. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online. Here we are in our get great guitars file. I’m going to start off this time by opening up our report. So we’re going to go to our reports down below. We’re going to be opening up first the balance sheet report. So let’s open up the balance sheet, our favorite report down here, we’re going to change the dates up top, we’re only looking at the first month at this point in time.


Bank Reconciliation First Month Part 2 9.11

In this presentation, we’re going to continue on with our bank reconciliation for the first month, part two, we’re going to be focusing in on the decreases this time last time we focused in on the deposits. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online. Here we are in our get great guitars file. Also note that I still have the balance sheet open over here. So if you want to open the balance sheet, I won’t go through it, but you can open the report to the balance sheet, and then and then duplicate the tab as we’ve done in the past. And here is our balance sheet.


Comparative Financial Statements 8.95

This presentation and we’re going to take a look at the month in financial statements. And this time since we have two months to compare, we’re going to be creating comparative financial statements comparing the two months that we have a comparative balance sheet, a comparative income statement, we’ll also take a look at the transactions by date, the great report for checking our numbers, reviewing numbers for an employee, and possibly even for billing purposes to see how many transactions has been made. So you can possibly bill by transaction.
