Pro Forma Balance Sheet 420

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation we will discuss a pro forma balance sheet or budgeted balance sheet. Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance pro forma balance sheet. As we think about the pro forma or budgeted balance sheet, let’s take a step back and see where it fits in with our projections with our pro forma statements, you’ll recall that the place we need to start then is going to be the sales projections, we need the sales projection, we’re first going to think about how far we’re going basically the activity type of statement. And then we’ll take that change that activity statement how far we went, like miles driven in and our income statement, and then we’ll tack on the beginning balance where the odometer was at at the beginning to get to the ending point, which is going to be the ending balance sheet.


Cash Budget 415

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will be discussing the cash budget Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, cash budget, as we consider the cash budget, let’s take a step back and think about the budgeting process. So we can think about where the cash budget will fit in it. So we got to start off with the sales projection, that’s going to be our first step. So we can think about the production plan if we manufacture inventory, or we think about the purchasing plan. If we purchase and sell inventory, then we can think about the pro forma income statement. Now the pro forma income statement is going to be on an accrual basis. But we also want to be considering the cash budget. So obviously, once we have once we start to construct the income statement, on an accrual basis, we can also think about what the cash flows will be.


Forecasting Objectives 405

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will discuss forecasting objectives Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, forecasting objectives. When thinking about forecasting, we’re thinking about into the future, we’re thinking about kind of like a budgeting or projection type of process, we want to plan ahead making changes in strategy as needed. So we’re going to think about what we think will happen into the future. So we can strategize now, and do what we need. Now, in order to accommodate what we believe will be happening in the future. Based on our best guesses based on our forecasts, we’re going to construct a financial plan to support the growth.


Budgeted Profit and Loss Report 11.15


This presentation we will generate, analyze, print and export to Excel a budgeted Profit and Loss report, we’ll take a look at a budget of profit and loss and a budget versus actual Profit and Loss report. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online. Here we are in our get great guitars file. You’ll recall last time we enter data for the budget. And we did so by going to the cog up top and then we went to the tools we went to the budgeting information, and we entered this budgeted information. If you were to edit it, then you can go back into it and enter that information here. I’m going to close this back up, then we’re going to then go into our reports.
