Managing Users 6.30

QuickBooks Online 2021 managing users, let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our get great guitars practice file, we’re going to go up to the user settings, which is up in the cog in the upper right hand side. So we’ll select the cog, we’re in the your company area or the your company section, we want to go down to the Manage Users. So then within the Manage Users, you can basically break them out first into two categories, one being the user category.


Balance Sheet Report Overview 2.10

QuickBooks Online 2021 that balance sheet report overview. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our free QuickBooks Online test drive file, which you can find by searching in your favorite browser for QuickBooks Online at test drive are in Craig’s design and landscaping services practice file, we’re going to go down to the balance sheet by going to the reports down below, the balance sheet should be one of your favorite reports one of two favorite reports, not a matter of opinion, if it’s not one of your favorite reports, then your favorite thing is wrong, because it should be one of them. So we’re going to be opening up the balance sheet.


Getting Software For Free .05

QuickBooks Online 2021 getting the software for free. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Now, first question related to a QuickBooks Online Course is, how do I get access to QuickBooks Online so that I can practice with it. Two major scenarios there. One, you don’t have access to QuickBooks Online at all, or two, you do have access to it, but it’s through work or through your company file. And what we really want is a separate clean QuickBooks file that we can use to do data input in and practice with, without messing up the current company file that we may have access to.


QuickBooks Online 2021 Test Drive .15

QuickBooks Online 2021 Test Drive File. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Now, in a prior presentation, we looked at the 30 day free trial option of QuickBooks Online offered by Intuit, the owner of QuickBooks. This time, we want to look at the other free option that is offered by Intuit, the owner of QuickBooks, that being the test drive file. Easiest way to get there is just to go to your favorite search engine, such as Google type in QuickBooks Online test drive, QuickBooks Online test drive, as I’ve done here, then we’re just going to click on this item, QuickBooks Online test drive from Intuit, Intuit, the owner of QuickBooks, it may give you a little test here to say that you’re not a robot, and I’m gonna say, yeah, I’m not a robot.


The Nature of Asset Growth 605

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will discuss the nature of asset growth, get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, the nature of asset growth, we’re going to start off with working capital management, what is working capital management, the financing and management of current assets of the company. So when we consider this, let’s think about the accounting equation assets equal liabilities plus equity, remember that the assets are what the company has, why does the company have them in order to help generate revenue to get a return on the assets in order to help generate revenue?


Combined Leverage 525

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will discuss combined leverage, get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, combined leverage. Remember when we’re thinking about the term leverage, there’s typically two types of leverage that come into our minds. One is going to be the financial leverage the others the operating leverage the financial leverage, probably the one that pops into most people’s mind, if they’re familiar with leverage that being related to the debt in the organization and the risk and reward related to different levels of debt depending on the circumstances. And then we have the operating leverage, which has to do with the mix between the variable costs and the costs and the in the fixed costs.


Financial Leverage 520

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will discuss financial leverage, get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, financial leverage. Now remember, when you hear the term leverage, you’re typically thinking of two different categories, that being financial leverage. And then the operating leverage the financial leverage, usually the one that most people think of when they think of leverage having to do with the leverage related to the debt, the operating leverage having to do with their leverage related to the cost structure between the variable cost and the fixed cost, the operating leverage having the leverage component when you have the in the fixed costs.


Leverage Overview 505

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will give an overview and an introduction to the concept of leverage. Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, leverage what is leverage use of special forces or effects to magnify outcomes given certain conditions. Let’s break that down a little bit more detail use of Special Forces sounds kind of mystical here. But there’s a couple different things that we think about with leverage. And we typically break it down into operating leverage and financial leverage. Most people when they think about leverage, they’re thinking about debt, they’re thinking about the leverage related to the debt will also have leverage related to operating leverage, which has to do with the mix between fixed costs and variable costs. So on so we have these special forces or effects have magnify outcomes. So that could magnify outcomes.
