Chart of Accounts 1.80

QuickBooks Online 2021 chart of accounts. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our free test drive file, you can get to the test drive file by searching in your favorite browser browser for QuickBooks Online test drive the Craig’s design and landscaping services test drive file is what we are working with, we’re going to go into the chart of accounts. A couple ways we can go to get in there we saw last time Chart of Accounts is one of our major lists.


Balance Sheet Report Overview 2.10

QuickBooks Online 2021 that balance sheet report overview. Let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our free QuickBooks Online test drive file, which you can find by searching in your favorite browser for QuickBooks Online at test drive are in Craig’s design and landscaping services practice file, we’re going to go down to the balance sheet by going to the reports down below, the balance sheet should be one of your favorite reports one of two favorite reports, not a matter of opinion, if it’s not one of your favorite reports, then your favorite thing is wrong, because it should be one of them. So we’re going to be opening up the balance sheet.


Balance Sheet Vertical Analyses 2.38

QuickBooks Online 2021 balance sheet vertical analysis, let’s get into it with Intuit QuickBooks Online 2021. Here we are in our free QuickBooks Online test drive practice file, which you can find by typing into your favorite browser, QuickBooks Online test drive, we’re in Craig’s design and landscaping services, we’re going to go down to the reports on the left hand side, we’re going to start off with our basic balance sheet, again, our favorite report or one of them, and then we’re going to be modifying it this time for a vertical type of analysis.


Percent of Sales Method 425

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation we will discuss the percent of sales method, the percent of sales method been a tool that can help us with our projections out into the future help us to think about where we will stand, think about what our balance sheet accounts will be in the future. If we, if we estimate some type of growth into the future also help us to determine whether or not we may need additional funding to support our growth plans that we have set in place. Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance percent of sales method. Now this method can be a little bit confusing when you first look at it in the calculation or formula for it can be a little bit intimidating as well, I highly recommend to get a better understanding of this formula and how to apply it to go through the practice problems, we will have practice problems related to this formula in terms of Excel problems, as well as working through the practice problems and presentations in one note.


Balance Sheet Continued 215

Corporate Finance PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, we will go into more detail about the balance sheet. Get ready, it’s time to take your chance with corporate finance, balance sheet continued. Remember when we’re thinking about the financial statements, we can break them out to two separate objectives. If we’re considering this from an investor standpoint, that is, where does the company stand at a point in time, and what’s the likelihood or their earnings potential in the future, which we will typically based on past performance, therefore, you’re going to have the timing statement and the point in time type of statement. So when we think about the balance sheet, that’s going to be the point in time type of statements. So if you’re looking at the financial statements for the year ended December 31, the balance sheet will be as of the end of the period, in this case, December 31, as opposed to the timing statements, which are going to be the income statement being the primary statement that should come to mind measuring performance, which will be as of January through December 31 measure and how well we did for that range of time. So our focus over here is going to be on the balance sheet.


Intercompany Transactions

Advanced financial accounting. In this presentation we’re going to discuss intercompany transactions. So typically we have a situation where where we have a parent subsidiary relationship or thinking about a consolidation type of process within it. And then we have those intercompany transactions between the companies that need to be consolidated between parent and subsidiary, get ready to account with advanced financial accounting intercompany transactions, the intercompany transactions we’ll be focusing in on here and working some practice problems in on will include the intercompany receivables and payables need to be eliminated for consolidated financial statements.


Consolidation With Difference Simple Example

Advanced financial accounting. In this presentation we’re going to talk about the consolidation process with a differential we’re going to look at the component parts with a simple example a simple calculation, you’re ready to account with advanced financial accounting, consolidation with differential example. So here’s going to be the basic scenario for many of the practice problems we will be looking with. We have P and S, there’s going to be a parent subsidiary relationship in which we will be making consolidated financial statements. How did this situation take place what constituted this situation, we’re going to say that in this example, P is purchasing the stocks of S. So notice they’re purchasing the stocks of s and therefore negotiating the stock price, which we’re going to say is $1,000 here. Now to simplify this example, you first want to think about this as p purchasing 100% of the stock of s for $1,000. And then once they have control, anything over 51% would then be controlled.


Consolidation Calculations Less Then Wholly Owned Subsidiary

Advanced financial accounting. In this presentation we’re going to talk about consolidation calculations for less than wholly owned subsidiaries. So we have a parent subsidiary relationship, we’re going to be looking at the consolidation process to put the financial statements of the parents and the subsidiaries as if they are one entity, but we don’t have a wholly owned subsidiary. In other words, the parent does not own 100% of the subsidiary. How do we do the consolidation? in bad case, consolidation calculations less than wholly owned subsidiaries, that entities entire income and value must be reported per the current standards? So in other words, once again, we might think, well, on the income statement, maybe we would just report the part of the subsidiary that belongs to or is controlled by the parent, but that’s not typically the case. That’s not the case under generally accepted accounting principles.


Consolidation for Non Wholly Owned Subsidiary

Advanced financial accounting. In this presentation we’re going to talk about a consolidation for a non wholly owned subsidiary. So in other words, we have a parent subsidiary relationship, but the parent doesn’t own 100% of the outstanding common stock of the subsidiary but something other than 100%. In other words, over 51% controlling interest less than 100% get ready to account with advanced financial accounting. Non controlling interest often will be represented NCI non controlling interest. So notice if we have a parent subsidiary relationship we’re talking about there is some controlling interest, the controlling interest is the interest that’s going to be over 51%. However, if we don’t have 100% ownership, then we have the amount that’s not in control and that of course is going to be the non controlling interest. So non controlling interest. NCI controlling interest is needed for consolidation. Obviously, if we’re going to consolidate this thing, that means typically that A parent has some controlling interest over 51% a 100% is not needed. So 100% of ownership, in other words, by one parent to the other is not necessary for a consolidation to take place control is necessary, which is typically over 51% less than 100% ownership will result in a non controlling shareholder, those other than the parent.


Forms of Business Combinations

This presentation we’re going to talk about forms of business combinations, which is basically external expansion, two types of entities that are going to be related in some way, shape or form, get ready to act because it’s time to account with advanced financial accounting, forms of business combinations. Now remember, we’re talking about expansion. Here, we’re thinking about expansion. We’ve got the two categories, we’ve got the internal expansion and external expansion. We’re considering here, the external expansion, we have an organization that now wants to expand and they’re going to be consolidated in some way or have two separate entities that will be combining. So now we’re talking about two separate legal entities typically separate legal entities that are now going to be combined in some way shape or forms. The forms of business combinations can be the statutory merger, the statutory consolidation, and the stock acquisition. So if you think about, in other words to separate legal entities and say, Alright, well how can these two separate legal entities be combined in some type of way, you can imagine some different Kind of scenarios in which that could take place. So and when you’re imagining those different types of scenarios, you’re going to be thinking about, okay, well, what’s going to be the key factor here, it’s going to be the controlling interest. So what’s going to be a situation where you had two separate legal entities, and now they’re they’re going to be have some controlling relationship, which could be that they’re combined together under one entity at some point or they are having a parent subsidiary type of relationship, in which case the control would be over the 50%. So that control concept is what you want to keep in mind here.
